Thursday, March 28, 2013

Seven -Year Birthday Party

This year, Brooke turned seven-years old on Feb.15th! At seven-years Brooke is just as perfect as we always imagined she would be as that very bald, toothless, beautiful big blue eyed baby.....

This was the first year in her life that Brooke has ever had a birthday party at home. We have done every kids play place you can think of, and this year Brooke happily gave a little glamour up for a big birthday present that has been well worth the sacrifice....Brooke asked for a Kindle Fire for her birthday, so I told her if she had a party at would be her only gift.

Brooke kind of got the better end of the bargain because it wasn't just a home-made party, but it was a sleepover, which meant every single little girl in her First-Grade class were up at our house til all hours of the night....making it lots of work, and a huge mess....but totally worth the laughter and smies...

And of course you know Grandma Pack couldn't let Brooke go without some pizzaze at her party...So she brought a piniata filled with candy and prizes! This was a huge highlight of the party....along with icecream sundays, popcorn, candy cake and a night full of never-ending pillow fights......

This year Brooke requested a candy I made chocolate cake, chocolate icing, topped with M&Ms and a wall of kitkats around the cake.....

                                 I honestly don't know what this litte girl even has left to wish for?????

                              Even while singing happy birthday Will is still shooting his webs at the princesses...

And, she lost her front tooth just in time to turn seven :)

So Brooke is now more technilogically advanced than her Dad who still uses and old bulky flip phone that doesn't get email on it.....But he still has the edge on her bussiness wise, I bet not for long though....with all her grand scheming about opening a candy store in the summer...Daddy's special gift to Brooke was her very own website...that is hers to keep forever, since he bought rights to it.... He designed the site with all of Brooke's favorite things....It was so sweet of him!

                  Lilian from church and down the street made Brooke a really cool birthday card!

Brooke is still enjoying her Kindle Fire everyday. I guess she doesn't get enough of a learning fill at school...because after school Brooke goes onto websites they use at videos and takes tests for fun!!!! Everytime she gets a 100% she excitedly shows everyone in the house :)  She is also enjoying reading her scriptures along with me on her own litte device....I can't believe she is so big and reads so well that we can actually take turns reading!

Brooke has also been enjoying emailing her grandparents....Grandma Turano and Grandpa Turano did come into town for Brooke's birthday which always makes it extra special and exciting for her.....Brooke finally grasps putting her gift from them in the bank and she feels security to have money saved, even at seven years old :)