Sunday, July 13, 2014

The Friendly Bedroom Spiderman

 I don't think that Kevin's cousin Danielle ( Carole , Grandma Turano's sister's daughter ) knew what kind of a fantastic dream come true kind of gift that she was giving Will when she sent this life size cut out of Spiderman to Will for his birthday?

Will's obsession with Spiderman has calmed down a bit over the past six-months, but the flame of Super Hero love, lowering as of late, just put him at normal little boy levels of fantasizing about Spiderman. Will used to wake up in the morning and get on his Spiderman costume first thing in the morning, and when he wasn't in the costume spitting out sounds from his little mouth, and flashing his imaginary spidey webs at all of us in the house....he was out of the house, doing the same thing to random strangers in the grocery store, minus the costume on. However, just because he didn't have the costume on, didn't mean  he still wasn't Spiderman, because of course he was equipt with lots of Spiderman shirts from Grandma Pack and Mommy, to ease the burden of getting him out of the Spiderman costume to go out in public. At the gym Will was known as " Spiderman " and as we walked in almost daily the front desk girl would say, " Hey, Spiderman!What's up?" Being Spiderman two years in a row for Halloween is enough for me...I  really hope we can have a change this year?

So the story goes that at Grandpa Turano's funeral, Danielle was so gracious enough to watch Will while Kevin and I stood in a line for those who came to give condolences. Apparently Will was good for her sitting nicely on her lap, but he went on and on about stories of Spiderman to her, and they really bonded in this time.

The week of Will's birthday we got a very large package from New York, and we could have never known it would have been the most thoughtful and perfect gift for Will, from Danielle and her family.

Will went wild upon realizing what this huge gift of his was! He was all smiles, spitting, shooting imaginary webs, and twirling around like a monkey that knows how to flex and pose his muscles for about ten min. straight once the Spiderman was set up.

Brooke was clever and told Will, " Hey Will, now Mommy doesn't have to lay in your room with you when you are scared because Spiderman will protect you."

I never thought I'd hear the words come out of Will's mouth...that night when I put Will to bed, he said,
" But Mommy, that Spiderman isn't real, so if I am scared I need you."

Will enjoys seeing his friendly neighborhood Spiderman daily by his bed, and it makes for a really cool room decoration! What a awesome cousin that sweet Danielle is ;) It was the first time that I met her, and I wished she lived in MO because she was seemed like such loving, compassionate and fun person....

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Opening Gifts

 Will loves how excited Grandma Turano gets to hear his stories...It causes him to go on and on even longer than normal

 We were happy to have our nephew, Dominic come with Aunt Doreen, Uncle Jeff and their families at Will's birthday celebration!         

                                There is no doubt that Will knows that his Grandma Turano loves him! 

                                   Aunt Doreen always buys the coolest toys for Brooke and Will!

 Grandma and Grandpa Pack knew Will would love a rolling bag to bring to their house when he stays over night sometime!

Monday, July 7, 2014

Brooke's Summer Sewing Lessons

 Brooke has been taking sewing lessons this summer from a lady in my parents ward ( church congregation ). when Brooke and I went to the fabric store to choose some material for her to make herself some pajama pants Will went wild over the Spiderman fabric. Brooke, as the unselfish girl that she is immediately told Will that she would make him some pajamas as her first project and that she would make them for him by his birthday!

Brooke put off her own project and worked hard once a week at her sewing lesson, in order to complete Will's pajamas on time for his birthday party.

Will made Brooke feel badly when he saw her making them at our house. ( Brooke's teacher comes to our house and has now even offered to do her lesson for free because someone gave her lessons for free when she was Brooke's age. ) Will said, " Those are not pants!" As he saw pieces of fabric partly sewn, not looking anything like pants at first. Brooke was patient, but she was sad. I didn't blame her, she was being so kind to think of him first! Brooke didn't change her mind, she was even more excited to finish now...  As soon as the pajamas were finished Will loved them! And Brooke learned a great lesson about boys...they just can't visualize crafts as much sometimes.

PS. The " Bellamie Blanket" that Will is sitting on in the picture has been claimed by Will as his new special blanket. It's no longer mine....and that's okay...I don't blame him for wanting it every night.