Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Thanksgiving Turkeys!!!

 One night when Abuelita was visiting we had a nice dinner at our house, then a Family Home Evening Lesson that Brooke gave about " Letting your Light Shine ". Brooke chose the scriptures in the New Testament to go over with us herself. She did a great job showing us how a candle that has something over it can not bring light into the world. Then she explained that since we know about Jesus Christ, we should help others see the truth. Then she taught some scriptures about how we gain truth, so that we can share it. I am so proud of Brooke and her teaching with the spirit and confidence. After her lesson we had a fun activity together, as we made Thanksgiving turkeys out of apples, fruit Loops and marshmallows. "

Take a close look at Kevin's turkey! He thought he'd make it bald! Will's turkey had to have extra toothpick on it, because Will said they were his turkey's weapons. I wanted my turkey the most organized with all the colors dispersed evenly :)

Monday, November 24, 2014

Alida Escobar- Grandma from Guatemala

                                                             Vilma , Alida , and Emily

My Grandmother Alida came to visit from Guatemala a few weeks ago. Since she is eighty-five years old , we are grateful that she is still in great health and able to travel alone to the USA.
We had such a nice visit with her. I wish I could see her more often. She speaks English a lot better than she gives herself credit for!

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Ready For Church Trunk-Or-Treat

Pre-school Halloween Party

Halloween was like a fantasy for Will's pre-school class. Thirteen boys in one class and all waiting their turn to hit something that spews out candy!

I was thrilled this would be the very first year that Will decided that he wanted to be something else besides Spider-man....but don't get too excited....He still wore his Spider-man costume around the neighborhood on actual Halloween....

Picking Pumpkins!

I am going to be sad the day that my children are too old to let me dress them up matching in Halloween clothes and take them with their excited smiles, for something so simple as picking pumpkins....

I take advantage of the cuteness while I still have time ;)