Monday, April 17, 2017

No Easter Bunny Here

 This year Easter morning, Brooke and Will, you did not so much as utter the word " Easter Bunny" one time?

As you will read this later, I want you to know how thankful I am to have children as you Brooke and Will. I did not tell you that you should not emphasize the Easter Bunny on Easter? It just so happens that you didn't? It was a true witness to me of what the thoughts of a child that love our Savior are like.

Upon finding out that it was Easter Will, you said, " So, today we celebrate Jesus!"

Brooke you looked on Net-flicks for a movie about Jesus and could not find one, but you put on the spiritual Veggie Tales for Will without complaint!

Once the candy time came you may have forgotten, but the night ended nicely as you Will said to Brooke and I, while you were getting ready for bed....

" You know toys and things don't bring real happiness."

                I said, " You are right Will! What does?"
                     You said, " The feeling that we get from Jesus in our hearts that makes us feel good and warm."

I am so thankful that you know what it feels like to feel the Spirit Will and that you recognize that the spirit makes us happy, and does not come from things, but only God.

I am so blessed to have  you and Brooke with wonderful testimonies of the Gospel of Jesus Christ through the Prophet Joseph Smith, whom gave us the fullness of the gospel through the Priesthood, unpaid ministry, revelation which brought correct organization structure, worshiping in temples as even the prophets of old, and most of all that we can be together as families in the next life.

I love you both with all my heart Brooke and Will.

I am sorry that your Father was sick in bed the whole entire Easter Day, poor Daddy would have loved to see this hunt at Grandma and Grandpa Pack's house.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017


                                               Spring is our favorite time of year at our house!
      Over the years, it's become a family tradition to celebrate new life to the fullest extent that we can  at our house. Although it is always temporary, there is such a reminder while having fun, that our Father in Heaven created us to enjoy, while we also learn the true joy, that only comes through His greatest gift to us of sacrificing His Son, that we too, can be Mother's and Father's, not just in this life, but through the eternities.

                  Watching Brooke and Will play with their baby ducks for a couple weeks was adorable, and Brooke was sad to watch them go to my friend's farm, but she left extra directions on how to care for the baby ducks, on the care package that she created for my friend's daughters.