Sunday, May 28, 2017

Sharks in Vegas

We ran to a last min. wedding in Vegas a few weeks ago, and I had no idea that Vegas had so many fun things for kids to do there!

In between the wedding and a dinner we were able to run the kids into an aquarium to see Will's favorite aquatic animal; sharks!!!

Will had been very excited to go to Vegas, just because we told him we could see some sharks.

Well if it was a race, Will would have won.Will ran so fast through that aquarium to get to the shark tank! I had to literally chase him in these high heels!!!!

Then, my little prince, as excited as he was, helped me as the spike to my heel got caught into some draining on the floor.

I said, " Will, I am stuck! "

His sprint slowed to help me! The only problem was that he pulled so hard on my heel to get it out of the hole in the drain, that my heel broke straight off!!!

From that point on, I honestly had to walk barefoot.

I didn't mind too much since my little prince had a huge smile on his face, and that was distracting from the fact that I was wearing a dress, shoeless, with people staring at me.....