Saturday, June 23, 2018

Will's Eighth Birthday

Happy Birthday to my precious son whom recently said when I reminded him to say his personal nightly prayer, " Mommy, I am never going to forget to pray and when I have kids, I will teach them to pray too." Today Will turns eight-years old! He has a love for battling bad guys, his friends, and his pets. Will loves his Savior Jesus Christ. Will wonders and comes up with many conclusions on his own about things. Recently Will told me he needed help with something, "but only Jesus could help him". I asked what it was and he said, " I don't want to be allergic to peanuts anymore." I said that I was sorry and I will take him back to the allergist and they can test how allergic he is. After explaining the skin test to him, Will said, " Well, I guess if that doctor gets paid so much for wiping peanuts on someone's skin, then I should do that for a job when I grow up? " He said, " I will just have everyone line up and I will wipe something on their skin and see if they get a rash. Sounds like no one should pay more than two dollars for that Mommy."
Happy Birthday to my smart, handsome, faithful Will. 💝