Sunday, October 20, 2019

Eighth-Grade Brooke

Brooke is in eighth grade and continues to not only grow taller than me, but growing into this adult that seems as if it can not be held in that she is wise and advanced beyond her age.

A few days ago Brooke explained to me that she got a workers permit. I said, " Brooke why did you need a workers permit and I honestly have never heard of a thirteen-year old doing that? "

Brooke explained that she has been researching places she can get a job when she turns fourteen and what is required.

She told me how she thought she would be a good employee because she has straight A's , she is responsible, and has CPR cert. Etc..

I said, " Brooke you wouldn't only be a good employee, you'd be a good President of the place of employment you choose to work at. "

In fact, Brooke has recently been called to be the President of her church class the "Beehives" at church.

At first Brooke was unsure about being asked to lead the girls her age, but with confidence Brooke has now told me she has liked being in charge of activities and conducting the class on Sundays.

During this recent General Conference Brooke , I watched Brooke taking detailed notes and categorizing what she was writing down, into quotes, scriptures, etc.
Which she thought were important.

Brooke made a jeopardy game for her class to play about General Conference talks all on her own!

I feel proud of the leader and spiritual strength you are becoming.
More than leading in meetings, details of events, the greatest leading you do is for your little brother. Each time you make the church calling you have, or the prayers you say sincere and priority, you are leading Will to see what love for the gospel looks like. You will do this as a Mother as well. I know your example of service will be an even greater blessing than your abilities..your efforts are the greatest thing you give. Even when, as imperfect humans our efforts will always fall short, our Savior can compensate.

I love you Brooke,
You are my princess, Love Mommy💝