Saturday, February 22, 2020

Brooke is Fourteen!!!

            ( Eli her cousin is a close friend)

Fourteen-years! Where did the time go? The memory I have of holding baby Brooke in my arms each night until she couldn't fit on my lap anymore, singing to her " I am a Child of God ", will forever be one of sweetest memories of being a Mother.

Watching and nurturing her into a young lady with the ability to lead as the president of her Beehive or church class , and seeing her GT and AP courses get harder and watching her desire to do well and succeeding, is a daily blessing as her Mother.

The Lord is on her side and I see that each day as the normal struggles of adolescence come out , and only one or two hours after an entire melt down I receive a text which lets me know Brooke is strong in her faith and going to continue growing in the path of the Lord.

Brooke goes above and beyond in the things that she does, and that was easily seen by the Lowe's employees as I took her to pick up supplies for a school project a few weeks ago; upon arriving at Lowe's Hardware Store, within a few min. We had the entire staff searching out for items Brooke had prepared on a list to make a telegraph from scratch. When asked why a telegraph for her project by a man in search of copper wire and alligator clips for her, Brooke answered , " I don't have to actually make the item I choose to report on work.  Given the assignment we only need make a proto-type  as part of the presentation, but I thought I would just make mine work, and that it would be a challenge I could meet. No one else is making a telegraph proto-type either." The Lowe's employee gave her an A the spot, right then, and told her he is proud of her. I was too, as I know that I would not have attempted to make something like that, alone, at her age, or probably never? I guess that the little Brooke who used to invent things is still hiding around, and manifesting in her gifted attributes that put her in a higher thinking program.

Brooke chose to take two friends to Six Flags as her birthday party option this year. Brooke had so much fun going on The Texas Giant with her two closest friends.

Happy 14th Brooke and know that the Heavens are watching over you as I feel that when Grandpa Pack gives you blessings and I pray for you.

You are the babbling brook that rushed me into the waters of the Lord, or the living waters that cause us to never thirst, and refreshes our souls into the spirit which comes through Jesus Christ, our Mastee, and Beloved Savior and advocate with the Father.

I love you Brooke, Love Your Mommy