Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Faith of Will

Last year in Colorado Will showed his faith by praying for help mountain side; this year in Colorado the USA was struck with Covid-19 and when we found out the ski resorts closed, and even after only one day of skiing, which we were so thankful we were able to do; Will showed his faith again by saying, " Well, if the Prophet closed down all the churches in the world, then it must be what the Lord told him to do. "

Having our Prophet Russell M. Nelson's action of  calling for in home church was helpful for Will to have faith that the ski resorts were also legitimately closed down.

We got a day of skiing and snowmobiling in, and then left back home to Texas because times were uncertain.

Will loved snowmobiling and he had a chance to ride a kid size mobile in the beautiful Colorado mountains. It was quite the moment as a Mom to see her son's huge smile among Heavenly Father's creations. I felt happy and grateful to have the experience with Will.

I was surprised by one thing on our trip, which was also a treat for me as a Mom.
After hours in the car of on and off fighting from Brooke and Will, they said they wanted to ride alone on a cable down a canyon in Colorado Springs at a short stop we made for entertainment.
As well, on the ski lift for their first ride Up the mountain they asked to ride together!  I almost did not believe them when they said it; first, because as a kid I was scared of ski lifts and second, they had been fighting in the car for hours!

It was a treat to see them chatting and going on the ride and ski lift together as my independent children.

While the other kids did other things on our trip, Brooke, Will, and I went up a big hill and sled down it and they played in the snow together outside the condo that is walking distance to the ski lift.

You have a love for your family and especially me I feel so blessed to have your love and to be your Mother. Last night while holding my hand as you went to sleep, you asked me if when you went to college , Could you  talk to me on the phone every night at bedtime? I said, " Of course." I think in reality as you grow up, I will probably have to pull this book out, and hold you to that request. Haha. I am grateful Will that when we watched a video of the prophet and him calming our fears about this new virus, you said, " Mom, you need to hit the like button on that video, and comment. "
I did make a comment for you. I figured it was your faith that you wanted to display and so I would help you. I asked what you wanted to say and you said that you wanted to tell the prophet thank you for helping us with the video and that you would pray he won't get sick. You also said you know he is the prophet.
I believe you will be blessed for your great faith your entire life Will. I know that you will continue being strong in belief of the prophets because you are always testifying to me and your family about him. I love you my prince and please remember that you told your faith as a child and so you can do it even as an adult...you are fearless in faith my son.

Your Mommy 💝