Saturday, December 26, 2020




This Christmas season has been tough for a teen and even tougher for a teen in your shoes, but I stand in awe at many courageous and Christ-like things that you have displayed within your character these past few weeks. It is said that if you give a person money and all the money in the world, you will find out who and what they are by what they spend it on. I think that's true. When I was given money I used it to make something that could talk about Jesus in a pretty way and touch hearts as a gift of love and beauty. You were given a chance to spend some extra money a few days ago and this season through your babysitting job ( You babysit some children of a single Mom in our ward on Sunday and teach them a Come Follow Me lesson since she has no choice but to work ). I was not surprised, but delighted when opening Christmas presents on Christmas to gifts that you personally bought without Grandma and Grandpa's help, and without your Dad's help. You got me a perfect gift that I would love of cards with scriptures on them printed and you said you knew I would like to give them out to people at stores, etc. It is true and so thoughtful and caring of you! You purchased Will somehow these rare Pokemon cards that came off a Pokemon black market or something? You are very resourceful! And, Brooke....after I told you that you would be able to get one more expensive gift from me, you came into my rooms and said, " Mom, I don't think I should get that gift we were going to go get today, but instead, let's get Will a new phone; I think Will feels like he wants the tech stuff I have. " You didn't want Will to feel bad and were willing to give up this thing you had talked me into getting for you last min. This gift giving is a show of your loving heart and I am so blessed to be your Mother. 

Brooke I think a person's true character comes out and shows who they are under pressure and trials too; not just when given a lot of money...

These past few weeks I have seen you be engaged in your school work and having ideas about how to help me run my CPR business as one night you came to me and said, " Mom, I made you a Google Form for you to send to every student you have, so that it will help you keep them in one place and have extra info you need. " You are brilliant and blessed with so many talents Brooke! I can't wait to see how the Lord will continue to use you through all eternity, to bless His children. 

You gave me what I asked for in my favorite gift for Christmas as well, which are kind thoughts and words and I felt so blessed that I didn't ask you to, but that you wrote kind words to everyone in their own letter; Grandma, Grandpa, your Dad, etc. 

I feel everyday that you are the Brooke that the Lord wanted to give me, to help me have His living water daily, as I am desirous to get you to Him and you are desirous to go to Him yourself...

I hope we can catch some fish, like Jesus said to be fishers of men...along our way..but, I know I will be so happy with even one soul in you, and more I am God's Kingdom forever with you my daughter. 

I love you Brooke my princess.

