Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Swimming, sharks and summer


Will, You are 11 year-old! We had a trip to North Padre Island, Texas and San Antonio Sea World recently! You have really wanted to swim with a dolphin because your friend Aiden has told you all about when he did, so I made a special purchase to do this with you at Sea World this summer. 
You were very mature about what happened when we got to the appointment for you to swim with the dolphins. They changed the height requirement after Covid due to thinking the person's mouth needs to be so far above the water, and you were not tall enough. 

Will, You were so understanding and we both decided to give the credit to your cousins on the trip with us. ( Amy's kids ) and we bought Grandma Pack a ticket to go with us because what fun is fun without those we love to experience it with us? 

You and your cousins did like feeding and petting the dolphin, and you said you didn't expect it to feel the way it did, as you thought it would be tough so it wouldn't get scratched easy. You said you were surprised it was so smooth to touch the dolphin's back. 

You said your second favorite thing was seeing the sharks and playing in the wet spray park with your cousins. 

I am not sure you liked any of that as much as you liked the jokes Brooke was making about us all on our drives to these places as she did impressions of Mom and Dad and said, Mom likes to get spiritually high on Sunday, but if you don't want to get high with her on Sunday, that's okay, because she likes to get high in her runners high and work out for 3 hours until she gets sick, or the impression of your Dad saying he likes to watch webinars of college kids to ran into financial success and pretend that he is actually watching them so he can feel productive. 
Good thing we all just laughed and you and Brooke share the laughing about seeing your parents quarks and idiosyncrasies. 

You played for hours in the sand with your cousin Wynne and you even spoke out and told Brooke and I to stop debating over controversial topics as you said loudly, " You guys, we are about to go into church, can you stop arguing, we are literally going into the church parking lot and you are arguing. " 
I said you were right and I knew you are a good disciple of our Savior and that when you say you like to go to church, you aren't just saying it, but that you feel the spirit and enjoy feeling that you are giving worship to our God. 

Pretty soon you will make me the shortest in our house but always your Mom, that knows how lucky I am to have a son like you that loves his family and has strong faith with a sweet and golden heart. 

Love, Mommy

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Having a Form of Godliness

Brooke and Will, 

I have been thinking a lot about the miracle we have to come to earth and live these lives surrounded by beauty, exciting things to learn, to do, and most of all,  the way we can have our own children and know that we and they ( our children ) will make mistakes and have many things to learn, but Our Father in Heaven provided us with the miracle of Our Savior Jesus Christ, to repent and continue to try and through His Spirit do better and become more. 

When I think of this miracle and privilege I think about a scripture in 2 Timothy 3 : 5 which explains that in the latter-day there will be many who : Having a form of godliness, but deny  the power thereof; I see this is very true now as it is a form of Godliness that we are made in God's image, we are His children, and He has given us the very same honor of having our own children. 
It is a divine gift to be given the chance to come to know Him better, as we are His children, and He loves us. He wants us to have the chance to become and be capable of the depth of knowledge, and experience it is to create just as He is the great Creator of all. 

 To create life as we do in our own little spheres or earthly kingdoms of our homes, communities, our church wards in our callings, and to be able to create through His power; the exact same power that He created even our earth with is God in us! 
This is truly a form of Godliness, and yet so many dismiss all this given as a random event that for no reason came together. My spirit testifies as I know yours does that is denial and complete falsehood by the adversary who doesn't want us to recognize our power through Christ, because the adversary can not beat that power or fool us, if we know what we have. 

I see that many generational changes are including the message that it is better to not have children, and it is better to not follow the traditions and facts which are in place by God that we have a divinely appointed gender and gifts that come with our role we have been gifted with. 
I see the denial of a form of Godliness in the belief that there is not God's authority on earth, but that He has either put us here for a holding space to go to Heaven or Hell and has no organization, no way for us to each be part of His work, and that life it's self is just a passing time to do what you want. 

I wanted to share these thoughts with you Brooke and Will because I know that if you look at what you have, and look at the chances to learn, repent, and have your own little Kingdom where you live, and with a family, you will see YOUR OWN GODLINESS. 

As you ponder this daily and recognize the power you are given through being that He wants to help and aid you, forgive you, and strengthen you each day through the power off the Priesthood and sacrament you weekly partake of, you will have more meaning, and motivation during  your earthly experience; without taking the time to be grateful and stand amazed, we could easily be blinded by our day and the crafts of evil and man.  

When I think about the feelings of greatest happiness it is always stemming from seeing you both Brooke and Will;  being happy and having more that you need and all you need to reach your full potential. 

I know this is how Our Father in Heaven feels about all of us, and that even though we are on this fallen and corrupt world, He sends His angels and inspires the blessings we need to help us, and they do to come to us each day if we but look; whether it be in our scripture study as something sticks out and pricks your heart and mind with understanding and peace or warmth; or whether it be in the miracles of Priesthood power in ordinances that help us by giving us an added measure of ability to see beyond this earthly moment, even if only for a short time the vision of our purpose, and spirit to push forward in faith when it would be accepted by others easily to just live in the tossed to and fro with out pressing forward or without having a destination or effort to reach out to God through Our Savior. ( which does take time and effort ) It would be easy to not seek after the good, and make more good with what we have, but we can stand amazed and see our divinity and His power in us. 
I know that your ability to feel the divinity within you will cause you to want to access all the help you can get, because the possibilities of creating are endless. 
Creating yourself in knowledge and capacity to give in your home and small kingdom;
Creating in your spiritual gifts and power to bless others through your talents and circumstance.
I wanted to share that I see the miracles we are given and as you look at your family and Grandparents, cousins, church teachers, and your opportunity, or  chances you are given, you will be able to see the power of Godliness you have surrounding you. You will never forget who made this plan and how to receive more, by seeking in prayer, asking in gratitude while participating in and keeping the power of God alive inside you through faith and ordinances of the Gospel through Priesthood.

I know these things with the conviction that gives me His help and I know though I am not worthy, He my Maker will help everyone who wants to know, receive their own conviction and ability to receive more spiritual knowledge. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. 

Love, Your Mom Emily 💝