Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Will and his house


There is something you should know if you don't already know it : You are very smart.

Your doing a really great job at remembering your homework this year, and you express the desire to learn more. 

This is so good Will, because wanting to learn is even more important than our natural intelligence level. 

Recently you have been pretty excited that the books of Harry Potter have been released with artists depictions. The words are exactly the same except the book has these pictures on every page. 

You have been waiting a long time to be able to read Harry Potter because of the challenges that your Dyslexia has given you, and it has been a really touching moment for me everytime that I see you sitting in the big recliner reading your book and you have even been bringing your books with you in the car to read. 

This past week since you are reading the books when it was movie night, you asked to watch Harry Potter from the first one, to the last. Well, movie night turned into movie week because I liked working out to Harry Potter with you watching and it gets pretty exciting to not finish the movies. 

Will, your teacher conference meeting was this past Friday and your teacher let us know that you scored in the 90th percentile of all the other kids taking the Staar Test in READING COMPREHENSION. I reminded you that since the prompts and stories were only read to you once and you had to answer the questions, this was like you also are GOOD at paying attention. 

You don't believe me when I tell you how smart you are Will, but it is easy to notice because of the little things that you pick up on. 

Going to NASA Space Center in Houston this past weekend was another good reminder to you that because of a deficiency you are given strengths! 

Over 50 percent of all Nasa employees are Dyslexic. You loved seeing the real space rockets.