Monday, September 5, 2022



2022 Happenings


              Uncle Allen and Aunt Amy visited at the same time in July 

                Emily turned 39 years old - birthday 
                     And 17th wedding anniversary 

   Butter - Will is holding is ( my ) Mom's cat 

Making hand hearts 

                   Aunt Amy's family at our house 

               Grandpa Pack was the starter of all Taco Laredo restaurants going into 7-11 before he retired. When a new one opens we were able to see the fruit of Grandpa's career before he retired. 

        Aiden ( Apollo's cousin ) and our normal crew ( Apollo , Mom and Will ) at church 

                               Brooke's FSY Dance 

Miracle Brooke


Brooke and her cousin Tru ( Uncle Allen Paul's daughter ) 


It is your Junior year of high school and your school year is going fantastic for you so far! The scriptures say " by their fruits he shall know them " and in your account of being " my fruit " , I am truly blessed. 

Brooke your second job is the same as my first job.  You are working in a nursing home plus, independent senior living center. You are delivering the residents their food both in the dependant care and independent care portions of the facility. 

Brooke, I went in to your work because you were so smart and thoughtful to let your boss know that I teach CPR and could give TB Tests. As the staff was learning that I am " Brooke with the pink hair's Mother " , I learned that you are absolutely adored by your co-workers, which does not surprise me! They said things like, " I love Brooke so much! I just love her personality. Brooke is so sweet and funny. " 

The elderly love you too Brooke! One of your residents thinks you are a miracle. She said to you upon meeting you, " You are a miracle from God. Your hair and eyes are a miracle." Then she got to know you and you quickly have been her daily " miracle " since she needed a friend as sweet as you. 

Brooke this resident thinks you were born with that pink hair and you let her think that by not telling her you dyed it. That's okay because your hair is a miracle - never in my life would have I thought pink hair would be acceptable to me or cute, but it just suits you as it's bold and not afraid to let yourself and who you 

Brooke you truly are not afraid to be yourself and I am so proud of that; we live in a world where people spend hours each day - comparing themselves to others on social media. 

You are so true to yourself and let yourself be known whom you are that you recently started sharing the gospel with your best friend Ryn.

Ryn has been to church three times with us and she heard the first lesson from the missionaries at our house this past week. 

You are picking up more than my habits and Ryn actually picked up a homeless lady a week or so ago. When your Dad and I came home we had a random homeless lady sitting in the garage on our golf cart and we spent some time trying to figure out what to do with helping her.

I guess I made it seem like you can bring anything home, from real snakes and turtles we have found, to homeless people and well, right now you have a stray cat in your room that you and Ryn found on the street. 

You are working hard at your work and school as you have been spending time applying for college scholarships on your own accord, and that is why I will have to figure out what to do with the stray cat, just like I had to figure out what to do with the homeless lady, and all the collections you bring home in your room overflowing with - You 💝

You are one of my miracles too Brooke! Every day you are a reminder of how much our Heavenly Father loves us, as He would give us the ability to have our own children, which helps us " know Him " better; since I now know what it is like to be a parent and I now know how a parent would do anything to help their child have happiness and succeed;  when I realize my mortal love and ability is miniscule in comparison to Our Heavenly Father and Jesus's love and power...and we are His children... I just know that we are helped and going to have all the things we want and need to help us have success and happiness. 

I am always grateful that you are a miracle Brooke! 

Love - Mommy 💝

                Church bathroom selfies