Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Brooke is 17


Happy Birthday Brooke!!!
My princess Brooke you are 17 years old today and you really have been my princess since you were born. I just had to take you to Disney World even at just two years old; I had to show you something magical and princess like because that is what you are to me: magical and royal like a princess.

I don't think it should be surprising that 17 years later your number one interest is theater and that you have even taken on the challenge of sewing your own princess dress of Cinderella, for the theater organization that you are a part of - North Texas Performing Arts. You loved watching movies and dressing up so much when you were little that when I took you to Disney World, I bought you every princess dress to wear while we were there. You were practically part of their show as everyone called you by the princess name and treated you like the princess you are. 

Looking at you in the little Cinderella Costume from the Disney Store and me as such a young little 22 year old, I can only see how much magic in the power of God was given to you since it probably was not my knowing anything about being a Mom, that made you as amazing as you are. 

In fact, I know that it is the power of God that has given you so many gifts in your ability to want to create these amazing shows on stage, and yet you don't have to be seen as the one who made the clothes, puts on the lights, and puts on the make up of the actresses; You are in large part what makes everything happen, and yet you are happy without the credit. That is like your first Father in Heaven and Jesus, who sent us here, gives us everything we need to experience and gain perspevtive, yet, They are constantly helping and giving and some people don't even believe in God. So, I know you gained that ability from your Heavenly Father. 

You are just like Cinderella when you are so nice to the old people that you serve in your job. Your kindness when others are not nice to you is also a powerful gift from your Heavenly Father. You come home from work and you are the princess of our house as we all want to hear how you are? Your Princess party does end earlier than Midnight our house we have a joke that it's getting to the hour Brooke turns into a grumpy pumpkin because you get grouchy when you are tired. You must get that from your earthly Mom, since your Dad doesn't sleep a lot. 

Grandma and Grandpa Pack have enjoyed how much you love theater and they are taking you to New York in just a couple weeks! 

What a begining to being Seventeen! 

This morning we woke you up with balloons surrounding you and I gave you your request of a nice perfume that Will could not believe someone would pay the price for, but you are my princess, so I understand why you need to smell like roses; plus Waffles smells but you still love him, so you deserve it. 
