Thursday, June 22, 2023

Brooke Junior Year Ends


Time seemed so tight these past couple months that I didn't get to document about the end of your Junior year of high school. I know that you are a very aware young lady and grateful for me not only because you say so in our family prayers which I greatly appreciate you saying what you are grateful for in prayer; but I also know you are grateful because for my birthday and Mothers Day you wrote me a nice card. You said: 

Mom, I love and appreciate you so much. You do everything for us and I hope you know how much I care about you. You are an amazing person and an amazing mother. 

Love - Brooke 

You know my favorite gift is words and I am so blessed you are my daughter. 

It would appear that I am not amazing in that I have yelled at you and Will to get out of bed so much this summer so far and to get into the car, so much that I lost my voice - well, it might be allergies but I know you asked me to stop yelling at you to come out of your room and I was praying I would know how to not yell at you - then I lost my voice - my prayer was answered. 😉 

You are so amazing to me Brooke and I can't even imagine having been as gifted as you when I was seventeen. Because Brooke, you are responsible and assertive enough to have enrolled in college classes this summer on your own, and on your own, took it upon yourself to find an FSY you'd like to attend since you didn't want to go with our stake. 

You searched and found an FSY in Utah at one of the colleges you are considering going to, and so so smart, to also get to spend some time at the school and see if you like it. 

You only missed a couple questions in total on your SAT and have been told you can get in to any college you want to based on your grades, etc. 

I am so very blessed that you are so smart, that you want to put yourself around good people " with your faith and values ", out if your own mouth. 

I know Heavenly Father has blessed you and sent earth angels to you in your best friend from another ward than ours ( Ally) and your Grandma and Grandpa and so many that have prayed for you when I ask. 

Senior Year - Here comes Brooke! 

Love - Mommy💝