Wednesday, September 27, 2023



I was thrilled when a few weeks ago you decided to join the Cross Country Team at your school! You did not mind that they had already started a month before. I have been so proud of you because you do not give up even though the others have an advantage over you. You recognize it and asked me how long it will take for you to get faster.

You brought me a bottle of Excedrin that you saw in my cabinet a couple days ago. Not knowing what Excedrin is but only seeing the " Extra Strength " written on it, you said to me, " I need this can I take it? " I asked you, " Do you have a headache? " , you said, " No, why? " I said, " This helps that." You said, " I just need the extra strength so I can run faster ." I laughed but then realized you have been finding all kinds of useful things around the house for running purposes, like my packets of liquid energy that I drink for running, and packs of GU or small sunscreens to carry while I run and you asked for those too! Which I gave you, so it would make sense to you that I had a bottle of "Extra Strength!" I would tell you in this letter that the best extra strength comes from prayers, but you already know and believe that, and I know it because of your show of faith even around your friends. Asking you to pray on the way to school even with a friend with us, you do not flinch but boldly pray and ask " Please bless that You will always be with us and that I can have the spirit." Plus, I know you don't know I was listening from downstairs, but when you had friends over a few weeks ago, your friend mentioned to everyone that you all should see a movie on Sunday because it's cheaper during the day and I heard you respond," I go to church on Sunday and don't do that on Sunday, but we should go a different day." And he moved on from the conversation as to show of your confidence in your decisions. That same day a little bit later I heard one of your friends follow your example of being confident in their faith as they said something about Jesus and one of your other friends started saying they don't practice a religion because they don't want to have the responsibility of having to do certain things and the other friend started to talk back in defense of himself and you were a peacemaker because I heard you say," Lets go down stairs guys and get a snack. " As you were trying to stop the argument. 

I am hoping running will stick for you Will and if not, I am super proud that you are only/ judging yourself on yourself. Knowing you are doing good for where you are coming from and not getting down on yourself. You have done the same thing with having dyslexia and reminding yourself that you are doing your best. 

Your teachers have said some really great things about you already this year: 


I wanted to reach out and let you know that Will is doing amazing things in Texas History! He is always giving his best effort, and is very respectful. I'm enjoying having Will in my classroom! - Mrs. Jagers

Will is such a sweet young man and he is a wonderful student - Mrs. West