Monday, January 15, 2024

CHRISTMAS 2023 Brooke

My Princess Brooke,

I am ever aware my days of you being considered a adolescent are numbered as your 18th birthday is one month away. If I hadn't experienced what it was like watching you grow from that little baby in my arms to the tall, blue eyed, brilliant woman you are, I wouldn't have known how much things change with your children as I know they will be even in the next 6 months before you go to college. 

This Christmas we were home and I loved that we didn't go anywhere. You thoughtfully made me, Grandma and Grandpa Pack a jar filled with writings of your thoughts about us and you wrote that I inspire you, but you have inspired me to be Mom I have been.  

I asked everyone of your cousins and my siblings to write their testimony this year for Christmas for Grandma and Grandpa Pack to have a book I made for them to see they have an amazing gift in their posterity and here is your testimony that I included in their book.  I loved having your testimony and it was a gift to me too, to have it written. You are such a smart, beautiful and bold in who you are and the faith you have kind of woman. I am beyond blesses to be your Mother. 

Love, Mommy💝

know that Joseph Smith was a chosen instrument in the hands of God to restore the fullness of His gospel on the earth. He was sent to the right place and t the fullness of His gospel on the earth. He was sent to the right place and time to earth to restore the gospel. My testimony of this truth has been affirmed and solidified through my personal experiences with the Holy Ghost. In moments of uncertainty and doubt, the Holy Ghost has always been a constant companion, whispering to my heart guidance on what I should do. I have always found that when I take time to listen and ponder and pray, I find guidance in his voice. I know that I chose my family in the pre-existence and that I was meant to be here at this time and place and for a purpose. In Jesus name. Amen.