Sunday, February 25, 2024

18 Years Brooke!!!


You turned eighteen years old this past week and I am in denial about you leaving for college! Even though you have been more than competent and independent enough for college since you were 10 years old, we are going to have to visit you A LOT!

This past Sat. night you casually said, " I have a Mexican tire now. " I was confused.

Then you continued casually to explain that your tire blew out completely as you were driving home from Ikea and that you were putting on the spare tire and a fireman came over and helped you. You then proceeded to find a " used tire store ", and bought a good tire for $40 and you did not call me, you didn't call your Dad, and you didn't call anyone, but just took care of it. 

I guess your used tire is from Mexico as you explained and it has Spanish writing on it.  

I was not surprised awhile back that you were applying for scholarships without any guidance from adults. You researched everything on your own...I am praising Our God and Heavenly Father daily that you received a scholarship to go to Utah State for in state cost this past week. 

I was really proud of you Brooke, because even though you knew how expensive out of state tuition for Utah State is, you had decided you would take the loans because as you told me, " You have faith that since that's where you felt best about going to college when you prayed, you had faith it would be okay to spend so much in loans, becayse the Lord will help since He told you that's the best place. "

The Lord did help you!

Your faith was rewarded because only after a few days of receiving the instate scholarship cost from Utah State, your fasfa response came over email and you will receive even more and all of your financial concerns decreased significantly about your college degree. (My concerns decreased too!)

You spent your first birthday away from home at Utah State with your two best friends already there at college, but we celebrated with you a few days before you left.