Saturday, March 16, 2024

Gratitude and Will



One of the best things about being on our recent trip to D.C. was looking over at you to see you admiring something you saw, so much that you took your own picture of it. While we were all talking about where to go next or where to eat, you were taking this exact picture above of the capital building with a perfect pink sunset. I only have this photo of the trip because you took it. In fact, Will, your appreciation and depth of heart shows in what you find artistic and what you want to remember. I noticed you took a lot of photos of the American Flag, and the clouds. 

You actually always take pictures of the cloud when we are driving Will and you point them out to me. Sometimes I am surprised about the things you say thank you to me for. You tell me when I drop you off for school, " thank you for taking me. " and I think, " I can't believe how thankful Will is for something most kids would expect. " When you say your prayers you pause before starting a prayer and we can all feel that you are feeling sincere and reverent. I think that is why you are good at noticing the beauty around you Will, because you are thankful and you are happy. It is happy to be around you because you are noticing little things that cpuld easily be dismissed as just part of living, but you enjoy them. 

This year you have blown your Dad and I away with your self-improvement interest. I don't know how many 13 year olds sit and watch motivational speeches on their own time, but you do Will. You have been doing your own meditation practices for a couple years now, where you have found these YouTubers who teach breathing exercises and you have tried to talk me into doing them daily because they lower blood pressure and prevent or even help with anxiety and depression which you mentioned you don't have anxiety because you do these breathing exercises. 

I am trying not to tell you too much because I don't want it to backfire, but you have inherited the " Pack " love for working out. 

In actuality your loving to workout would be wearing me out, if I didn't understand and appreciate your passion for it at the personal level that I do. 

Will you have started a three day a week at minimum weight lifting routine and it can be midnight and that's not a joke, and we will find you in your room working with your dumbbells, pull up bar, weighted vest, and the whole thing. Then I feel bad its my fault that I didn't take you to the gym after teaching my CPR class because I was tired and had already ran that day. So, I have been trying not to be too tired to take you to the gym after my work and my own working out that day. 

You are smart enough and watch enough exercise YouTubers to know you should also do cardio. So, I watch you working on these goals of being well rounded in your workouts with out any one pushing you. I took you to the track this week and you reminded me of myself when you threw up because you were running so hard and you still went for the next lap when I said, " lets be done." You didn't care you felt so sick, you kept going. 

You like to learn about investing and you have recently been taking it upon yourself to learn about the stock market and bit coin. You watch the videos just like I used to see you watch tutorials about Minecraft until you mastered the game. You are now watching tutorials on stocks and making money on drop shipping and bit coin. 

You convinced me to try taking an icebath a few weeks ago and I didn't do a very good job since I was screaming but, at least I tried it. 

You continue to be tough enough for anything since you can handle icebaths and getting good grades despite having to work harder than everyone because of having Dyslexia and I know you have been given so many strengths because of your gratitude and faith in Jesus Christ. 

You are happy you are taller than me and I am sure you will only keep growing in strength and height. 



Ps. Here are some more photos you took! From your phone! 

Here are some more photos of our trip.

Uncle Allen was so nice to let us stay at his apartment in DC amd show us around as he could. Washington's house and the Patomic River were your favorite as you told us Will. Because you thought it was pretty out there at Washington's estate.