Saturday, June 15, 2024

Senior Talk - Brooke's Graduation Talk

For years I have been collecting talks here and there from various sacrament meetings. When a person I know or don't know gives a talk that I really felt inspired by or had a quote that I wanted to keep and was not sure where the quote came from, I ask the speaker if I can keep their printed talk that they were reading from and sometimes all people have are notes and I ask for them. 

I asked you for this talk you wrote and it is my most favorite talk ever and not because you said some nice things about me as your mother, but because hearing your spiritual thoughts and desires is one of the most treasured moments I could ever have, since knowing of your faith in the gospel of Jesus Christ is immeasurable in value to me as your mother.  
Brooke, Your ability, intelligence, determination to get what you want, your resourceful mindset and hardworking in your jobs, kindness to those you love and your faith and trust in Jesus Christ have made me at more peace about you going away to college, than I would expect a lot of moms could feel. 
I am happy and excited for you to begin your college journey as much as I am going to be missing you, I am just worried about that: missing you, and not worried at all that you won't be successful because I know you will be! 

I love you so much Brooke. You are my princess! Love- Mommy 💝