Saturday, July 13, 2024

Wise Will is 14 Years Old


Dear Will, 

It was your fourteenth birthday a couple weeks ago! I never would have thought the number one thing you'd want to make sure you absolutely did on your birthday, in order to have a good birthday was GO TO THE GYM! I am getting a taste of my own medicine with you because every day I know your entire day is based off when I will be able to take you to the gym. I think I have done that to you when you were little and you and Brooke talk about your core memories including being at kids clubs on the day care at various gyms. You asked for a bench press for your birthday, and just a couple days before it was delivered to the house you actually had a mishap at the gym with the bench press while lifting it, you accidently didn't use the lock and too much weight and it fell on your face. It barely missed your eye, so we said a thank you prayer about that as soon as we got in the car after rushing home to clean up your wound. Even though you were nervous about the exercise you did it the next day again. 

You invited two girls to your big birthday party this year. Actually, I was having to convince you to have a party Will. You are so thoughtful that you said, " I have too many people that have asked me if they could come to my birthday party and that would be too expensive and I don't want to let someone not come and I don't want that many people to destroy our house because last time it was a huge mess after they left and they broke stuff." You were more conscious and responsible than your parents at 14 years old! I literally had to beg you to plan your party because I heard your friends even asking you about it in the car when I was taking them home from events. Your friend Adam told me when we were driving home on the last day of school, " Did you know Will is the most popular kid? Well, that isn't the like snarky popular kids." I was not surprised because I know I am so blessed to be your Mom Will, so I know your peers feel that way about being your friend. 

So Will, you told me these girls asked if they can come to your birthday party and I said, yes invite them because I always think inclusive and friendly with everyone and try to teach you that. 

I was wondering if I made the wrong suggestion when at your birtgday party the entire table if boys scrunched up in one side of the table, just to avoid having to sit by these very sweet girls! I felt like asking, " Wait, do you all know each other?" You boys seemed so shy towards these girls! Haha! 

Everything began to add up when the girls gave you your birthday present which they bought together and it was a very expensive and nice smelling cologne. I was reminded that one of these girls brought you an anime bobble head for a gift on Valentines Day and you were really surprised because you didn't bring anyone anything on vday. 

It was not until after the birthday party that you told me that one of the girls had asked you to be her boyfriend earlier in the school year and I asked you what you said? The wise Will I know used his wisdom without any parental help and you told me that you explained to her that you are only 14 years old and don't think you should have a girlfriend. 

We could all use your wisdom Will! In fact when driving home from fireworks on the 4th of July with Grandma and Grandpa, we were talking about taking care of health and you gave some input. You said to us, " What I would say comes from a quote I heard that said, " The best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago. The second best time to plant a tree is now." Since we were taking about things we could have done in the past, you reminded us to do those things now. Grandpa said, " You sound like a philosophical guy Will. " 

Actually you are quite philosophically  inclined Will.  You give good advise and you tell me sometimes to stop and look around.          

I say, " Look at what Will? " You say, " You are never going to notice these things if you don't stop and enjoy the small things." I say, again, " Will, what am I supposed to be noticing?" You say, " Look up, look at those clouds and the sunset. " You are right that I need to look at all the small and simple things that are beautiful amd amazing and stop and smell the roses. 

Since you do that Will, you are a grateful and happy person. You bless your families lives in such a way it can't be measured, but I can tell you that you are truly treasured by me and your family daily. 

I know you will stay wise Will! Happy 14th and I love you so much! 



Ps. You asked for homemade banana bread for your birthday at home instead of cake. Maybe that is because we have cake all the time in our house, or maybe its because of you wisdom and healthy minded ways. 😁

Solar eclipse with cousins!

Easter Sunday