Thursday, February 14, 2013

Daddy blue eyes, or Mommy's lashes

              Blogger wont let me crop this right now? so later I will cut just his eyes for my book...He wouldn't take his hands out of his mouth?

For so many years whenever I would be anywhere with Brooke people would actually ask me if she was mine? They would say things like, " Oh, I thought you were her nanny, she looks nothing like you...She must have her Daddy's eyes."  I love hearing people tell me Will looks just like me. I don't think he does too much, but one thing he did get is my eyes! I realized it the other day when straight out the bath his eyelashes were wet... So we are even now Mr.Daddy blue eyes ;)

Friday, February 8, 2013

Finished at last

A few weeks ago I had one of the most special feelings that I actually have been waiting for , for a really long time.....It was just as I expected...My heart felt happy and I felt goose bumps and joy as I read Brooke some of the last verses of the Book of Mormon, where Moroni bids us farewell..... where he says he will meet us at the pleasing bar of the great Jehovah. I know that we will meet him, and I can't wait for this day that he speaks about.....

Moroni 10:32
Yea, come unto Christ and be perfected in him, and deny yourselves of all ungodliness; and if ye shall deny yourselves of all ungodliness, and love God with all your might mind and strength, then is his grace sufficient for you, that by his grace ye may be perfect in Christ; and if by the grace of God ye are perfect in Christ, ye can in nowise deny the power of God.

33 And again, if ye by the grace of God are perfect in Christ, and deny not his power, then are ye sanctified in Christ by the grace of God, through the shedding of the blood of Christ, which is in the covenant of the Father unto the remission of your sins, that ye become holy, without spot.

34 And now I bid unto all farewell. I soon go to a rest in the paradise of God, until my spirit and body shall again reunite, and I am brought forth triumphant through the air, to meet your before the pleasing bar of the great Jehovah, the Eternal judge of both the quick and dead. Amen.

It took a year and a half, every single day reading and answering all kinds of questions for Brooke about scripture passages that can be difficult even for an adult to comprehend. But every day as we read I felt God smile down upon her as a little girl who will grow into a faithful and spiritual woman as she learns his teachings and makes an effort to do the things that the Book of Mormon teaches.

Brooke was so happy to finish the big Book of Mormon as she would call it. Whenever she would see me reading it when she was about three-years old, she would ask,  " Why can't I read that one with you Mama? " I said, " We will soon, and when we do it will make you even more smart than you already are! " When we started reading the " big book of Mormon " when she was in Kindergarten I soon realized with all of her questions, commentary and explanations, this was going to take a really really long time to finish the book, and it did, and it was okay, because she understood the principals that were being taught and that was most important...not how fast we could finish.

When we finished and I asked her what her favorite Book of Mormon story was, I was really surprised to hear her say, " It was when the Brother of Jared had so much faith that he saw the finger of the Lord." I said, " Wow, that's great...I love that story too....I want to have as much faith as him that I could see God."
I asked what else she liked and she said, " When Nephi's brothers told him he couldn't build a boat, but he did anyways. "

I am so thankful to be the Mother of such a sweet and smart little girl. Brooke is truly looked down upon by the Lord and I know he smiles, because she is so much like him.

 There is a promise given by Moroni that anyone who reads the Book of Mormon can know if it is true if they pray about it and ask....they can receive an answer.
I asked Brooke if she wanted to pray as Moroni suggest. She said that she will, but she said, " I know it is true because of how I feel in my heart." I said, " That is good ." I am so glad she already has a testimony of it.

There were many nights in that year and a half that Brooke asked if we could read more, and she would also remind me if we hadn't read scriptures yet.

Brooke is an amazing little girl, who I know is going to be an incredible woman.....