Thursday, February 14, 2013

Daddy blue eyes, or Mommy's lashes

              Blogger wont let me crop this right now? so later I will cut just his eyes for my book...He wouldn't take his hands out of his mouth?

For so many years whenever I would be anywhere with Brooke people would actually ask me if she was mine? They would say things like, " Oh, I thought you were her nanny, she looks nothing like you...She must have her Daddy's eyes."  I love hearing people tell me Will looks just like me. I don't think he does too much, but one thing he did get is my eyes! I realized it the other day when straight out the bath his eyelashes were wet... So we are even now Mr.Daddy blue eyes ;)

1 comment:

  1. he does have your eyes! they are beautiful. in a boyish way of course. he is a good lookin little dude :)
