Sunday, February 15, 2015

Celebrating Brooke

When writing a report about herself a few months ago, Brooke stated her favorite quote:

" Why fit in when you were born to stand out? " - Dr. Seuss

Brooke, today is your ninth birthday, and I couldn't agree with you more, that you were born to stand out. From the moment you were born Brooke, you captivated the world with your personality.
Even in the womb you inspired me to make changes for the better in my life, and the moment you came out, I knew that I still wasn't worthy to be the mother of someone so perfect as you are.
You were so smart that we all tried to claim your intelligence as our genetics, but really, you are just special. You were so quick to want to learn and behave well, that I actually thought I had some great parenting skills, but really, you are just special. You were so beautiful that we all would give this, and that person credit for every perfect feature that your little face has, but really, you are just you- perfectly beautiful Brooke.

Today Brooke, you continue to captivate us with your desire to always learn more, your fun and exciting ideas of what you can make or create, 
your contagious spirit of adventure lights up our house.
Your patience and love, remind us all that we have to do better. You lift us up to be better parents and siblings.

Your love for our Father in Heaven and His Son Jesus Christ, brings great reverence to His name in our hearts, because He gave us you. You who would teach us and help us be whom we want to become...better, just better like you naturally are Brooke...

We love you so very much and we are so thankful that you are part of our family.

   Mom and Dad on your Ninth Birthday 

Monday, February 9, 2015

Great Grandma Alida Yolanda Monzon de Escobar

A few months ago Brooke had to choose a " special person " to do a report on for school project. She chose her Great Grandma Alida Yolanda Monson de Escobar, from Guatemala as her " special person."

Brooke knows that it is really special to be able to see Great Grandma from Guatemala when she visits the United States. Since Brooke had just spent some time with Abuelita, Brooke decided she wanted to learn even more about Alida and document what she had learned in order that she wouldn't forget.

Name: Alida Yolanda Monson de Escobar
Born: Nov. 17th, 1929
Place: Quezaltenango, Guatmemala
Father: Roberto Santiago Monzon Benitez
Mother: Julia Josefina Hurtado de Monzon

Alida has four sisters and one brother:
Aura Monzon de Bonato
Edna Monzon
Hilda Monson de Galvez
Roberto Monzon Hurtado

She graduated from " La Academia Practica Commercial " in 1950 as a Commercial Secretary

Her hobbies are listening to classical music, researching home remedies and finding recipes of healing foods. She likes to read educational books in order to improve herself. She loves Facebook to keep in touch with her children, grandchildren and great grandchildren.

The most important people to her are her family. Her greatest accomplishment has been to raise her children as a single mom after her husband died.