Monday, February 9, 2015

Great Grandma Alida Yolanda Monzon de Escobar

A few months ago Brooke had to choose a " special person " to do a report on for school project. She chose her Great Grandma Alida Yolanda Monson de Escobar, from Guatemala as her " special person."

Brooke knows that it is really special to be able to see Great Grandma from Guatemala when she visits the United States. Since Brooke had just spent some time with Abuelita, Brooke decided she wanted to learn even more about Alida and document what she had learned in order that she wouldn't forget.

Name: Alida Yolanda Monson de Escobar
Born: Nov. 17th, 1929
Place: Quezaltenango, Guatmemala
Father: Roberto Santiago Monzon Benitez
Mother: Julia Josefina Hurtado de Monzon

Alida has four sisters and one brother:
Aura Monzon de Bonato
Edna Monzon
Hilda Monson de Galvez
Roberto Monzon Hurtado

She graduated from " La Academia Practica Commercial " in 1950 as a Commercial Secretary

Her hobbies are listening to classical music, researching home remedies and finding recipes of healing foods. She likes to read educational books in order to improve herself. She loves Facebook to keep in touch with her children, grandchildren and great grandchildren.

The most important people to her are her family. Her greatest accomplishment has been to raise her children as a single mom after her husband died. 

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