Tuesday, August 30, 2016

5th Grade

Brooke is so excited to be in 5th Grade now! This year is the first year that 5th Grade was kept in the middle school, which means that Brooke is able to be at the same school as her younger brother for one year!

Brooke has been so excited to be back at school that she can hardly go to sleep at night! She tosses and turns and I say, " Go to sleep" , she replies, " But I am too excited for school! "

Brooke has all her friends from last year in her classes since she is in GT.

It has been very sweet to hear Brooke explain to Will what many things that he can expect as a Kindergartener at her school!

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Will goes to Kindergarten

It finally came! The moment that Will had been waiting for all summer long! His first day of Kindergarten.

Will was all smiles and enthusiasm that monumental morning.

While I know that many Moms are in tears as their youngest child goes into Kindergarten, I was just too happy for Will to be sad at all on this day.

How could I be sad knowing that Will is happy? I am happy that Will is taking a step to growing and learning that he is very prepared for with three years of preschool on his resume.
I do and will be missing my grocery partner, my little princes hand snuggled into mine as we cross the street, and even if it took three times to demand he held my hand because he was too busy talking, each time was a moment that I know wont last forever, and I will miss holding his hand in the hours of 8am to 3pm everyday!

I will however be more excited to hear his random bursts of singing opera style about whateber it is he is thinking. I will be more excited than I would have been with him gone all day.

I know that Will is going to be a shining star in his class. It is already obvious as you see in the picture he was slightly embarresed to show his cling to me as he is determined to be the most mature in his class. ;)

As I picked Will up this week on his first week at Kindergarten there were no tears, there were some complaints of not getting to play much, but mostly Will is headed on the path that optimistically knew he would take as he entered grade school.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Siblings and Abuelita

                            My siblings and Grandma! Amy (29) , Allen Paul (40) , Audrey (39), Abuelita Alida (87), and Me (33)!

We had a wonderful gift in having Abuelita, our Grandma whom lives in Guatemala with us at the Pack Family Reunion that we had a Table Rock Lake, MO.
                                              Amy, Audrey, MOM ( Grandma Pack ), Emily

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Brooke Loves Her Cousins

 One of Brooke's greatest joys in life are her cousins.  Seeing Brooke with her cousins is to see her about as happy as you will ever see her. She loves her cousins more than reading, her cats and Harry Potter books - so that is saying a lot!

My Sisters

The best thing for me about the Pack Family all together was seeing my sisters! Audrey and Amy are both very special to me.

Audrey is truly the most charitable person I have ever known and Amy is most definitely one of the most intelligent people I have known.

PACK Family Reunion

Will and Brooke had an amazing time at the " Pack family Reunion " that was held at Table Rock Lake a few weeks ago. Each family chipped in and what was left Grandma and Grandpa Pack paid the rest, and we had a grand time at a two houses attatched set up, lake front and equiped with lake toys!

Will showed his appreciation on the drive out there for me and his Grandma Pack.

As we were driving past a huge house on a hill, Will said, " Mommy! I am going to live in that house when I grow up."

I said, " Okay! Or you can build one like it."

Will said, " Wait, then I wouldn't live by you and then you couldn't have lots of toys and play with my kids, like Grandma Pack has for us."

Grandma Pack did bring huge bins of entertainment for all her grandchildren and so Will must really appreciate that!