Saturday, August 6, 2016

PACK Family Reunion

Will and Brooke had an amazing time at the " Pack family Reunion " that was held at Table Rock Lake a few weeks ago. Each family chipped in and what was left Grandma and Grandpa Pack paid the rest, and we had a grand time at a two houses attatched set up, lake front and equiped with lake toys!

Will showed his appreciation on the drive out there for me and his Grandma Pack.

As we were driving past a huge house on a hill, Will said, " Mommy! I am going to live in that house when I grow up."

I said, " Okay! Or you can build one like it."

Will said, " Wait, then I wouldn't live by you and then you couldn't have lots of toys and play with my kids, like Grandma Pack has for us."

Grandma Pack did bring huge bins of entertainment for all her grandchildren and so Will must really appreciate that!

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