Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Brooke's escape room party!

                           It is the Wild West and Brooke's ranch had been accused of cattle rustling!
               There was only one punishment for cattle rustling: hanging! The gallows were being
              constructed as we all sat in jail, but the sheriff was suddenly called away.
                                          We had only 60 min. to escape and clear our names!

                                 Brooke had her birthday party at an escape room this year!
                        The three areas we had to work our way out of were western themed.
                      There were surprises every few min. that made these girls laugh and smile!

                         The neatest surprise was when we cracked the code that we all needed to push
                        secret buttons on the wall in unison.
                                            When we did this, a secret wall opened!
                          The opening wall led to a tunnel that all of us had to climb through! It was an                                                                                adventure for these girls!
                                          Finally, the tunnel led to another room, with a safe that
                                        ended up being full of money and a confession letter.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

My Angel - Happy 11th Brooke~

A couple of months ago I bought you a necklace that I hoped could convey just a bit to you, how special that you are to me. Brooke, you are not only special to me, but what the little heart which opens on your necklace says on the  inside of it, is true: You are my angel.

 Brooke, you have not taken this necklace off, since I bought it for you. 

You turn eleven-years old today Brooke.

 Nine-months and eleven-years ago, you truly came to me as an angel. 

I will never forget the day that I found out that I was pregnant with you. Even more, I will never forget the night that I had a dream about you. As I was only a few weeks pregnant,
I did not know if I would have a male or female baby? I was not very concerned about that either.

one night, I had a dream that awoke me in the night. I heard a male voice which was powerful and yet gentle. The voice said to me, " You will have a daughter, and her name is Brooke." 

I did not like the name at first. I knew however, right away this was from my Heavenly Father. 

Brooke, I never doubted if Heavenly Father was real, but at a confusing time in my life, Our Father in Heaven didn't just show me through you, my angel, that He was real, but He also showed me that He knew what was going on in my life. He told me I was having a girl, and I never doubted for one moment if that was true or not after this dream. 

After I received that dream the spirit started to work on me. I no longer was putting things into my body that would not allow me to feel of His influence anymore. 

I will never forget the impact that you my angel had on me. I could not stop thinking about the fact that I had to be better for you. I knew you were a special daughter of our Father in Heaven, that I had been entrusted with. You were so special infact that I did not even get to choose your name. Likely Father did, or maybe you did? 

Either way your special spirit spoke to my heart and I felt a yearning to talk with my Bishop and since you came into my heart and womb, I continued to grow closer and closer to My Father in Heaven. As the years pass I understand more and more why your name is Brooke, my Brooke. 
I see what my Father in Heaven was telling me that you are, and what our Father in Heaven wanted you to remember about yourself. 

He wanted you to remember that you were as a little babbling brook, which might seem small, but that brook leads to a river, perhaps like the river that Lehi wanted his son to be, as he said, " Oh that thou mightest be like unto this river, continually running into the fountain of all righteousness." ( 1 Nephi 2:9 ) Father knew that you would lead me back to that river Brooke. Father wants you to remember that, this is who you are; your goodness, testimony, and love, will forever lead everyone that you meet and come to know, to the fountain of all righteousness. 

As you grew, I realized that I had to do everything in my power to give you, what I so desperately wished that I had listened to in the gospel. At three-years old, each day you sat with me for 30 min. sometimes I would have to remind you to sit still, but you were listening and learning. I read to you all of the Book of Mormon stories.Brooke, you knew what the Rameumpton was at three. You knew that Abinidi was the means to help Alma convert hundreds. You knew that King Benjamin held his own General Conference, and that there were more than one Nephi's in the Book of Mormon. You loved reading the scriptures with me. It was such a spiritual experience for me to do this with you, and I was still being led to that river, by you and your desire to be taught.

By the time that you were five-years old you did not want to read the picture book Book of Mormon, You wanted to read the " real " Book of Mormon, and we did Brooke, and we didn't just read, you took notes on the entire Book of Mormon. 

Your ability to sit and listen and learn inspired me. I knew that if I was going to be able to answer your complex questions, I would have to understand the Book of Mormon myself. You motivated me, and inspired me. Often times I would pre-read what I was going to read with you, in order that I could emphasize the correct part, and make sure that I was not going to mix you up.

Even now as you are older, because of you Brooke, I am reading the New Testament for the second time.

I gave you an scripture guide to the New Testament recently. You were so excited that you literally jumped up off your bottom in your bed and squealed at the idea of reading the New Testament. You had been asking me for a couple months if you and I could read it together? When I came back into the room to discuss with you what you had read alone you were already on page 18, and you started telling me all kinds of facts that you learned from the study guide. You asked me if you could have your own copy of the study guide, to keep in your collections of books? 

Brooke, this is a small portion of the kinds of things that you do that make you my angel. 
Tonight when you couldn't sleep I told you to read more of the New Testament book and you said, 
" That would make me not be able to sleep more, because I will want to read more." 

Brooke today you came home from school and told me you planned to go every other day to help the special needs children, at your recess. You were not concerned about missing your recess, you were concerned that your friends would feel bad, as you said, " But, I am planning only every other day, because my friends will think that I don't want to be their friends, if I never go to recess. " 

I know that you will be their angels as well Brooke, and everyone's angel, just as you are mine. 

Happy Eleventh Birthday To MY ANGEL!

                               Love Your Mother 

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Courage and Brooke with her Books!

My dear sweet Brooke asked for a bookshelf this past Christmas. It was not a surprise at all as Brooke always has her nose in a book, and she collects and re-reads her favorite books. Brooke reads at least one entire chapter book a week. Sometimes one a day!!!

I am so blessed to be Brooke's Mother because she naturally has talents that bless everyone around her. Brooke takes that same desire and patience she feels in reading, and learns from the characters to be kind and have courage. Brooke's favorite characters always have courage.

This picture displays a very small portion of all of the books that Brooke has read, since many more were borrowed.

Brooke was recognized with a thank you card written to her by a member of our ward's Bishopric this past week.

He said to Brooke:

" I wanted to express gratitude to you for something that you said which brought Spirit into my heart and testified of the truthfulness of what I was teaching in Sharing Time. After I asked everyone how we really know that Jesus Christ lived? There were many answers given, but yours was spiritually powerful, in part, because I know, that you know, what you said is true. You answer was, " We know that Jesus really lived because we have the scriptures with testimonies of the prophets, and we can read those scriptures, and trust those prophets." Your answer is so true! I know it and feel it. I am so grateful for your courage to share it. Thank you for your example to me. "

That same courage and testimony is felt by each of us in our family just as this member of the Bishopric noticed.

On Sundays Brooke often reminds Will that we should watch shows about Prophets on the Sabbath Day, which is one reason we end up watching " The Prince of Egypt " most Sundays.

Because Brooke memorizes and loves the scriptures with me, Will is learning to follow her example.

Brooke does not hesitate at all to invite her friends to church or explain her religion to them.

I am truly blessed to be this Brooke's Mother!