Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Courage and Brooke with her Books!

My dear sweet Brooke asked for a bookshelf this past Christmas. It was not a surprise at all as Brooke always has her nose in a book, and she collects and re-reads her favorite books. Brooke reads at least one entire chapter book a week. Sometimes one a day!!!

I am so blessed to be Brooke's Mother because she naturally has talents that bless everyone around her. Brooke takes that same desire and patience she feels in reading, and learns from the characters to be kind and have courage. Brooke's favorite characters always have courage.

This picture displays a very small portion of all of the books that Brooke has read, since many more were borrowed.

Brooke was recognized with a thank you card written to her by a member of our ward's Bishopric this past week.

He said to Brooke:

" I wanted to express gratitude to you for something that you said which brought Spirit into my heart and testified of the truthfulness of what I was teaching in Sharing Time. After I asked everyone how we really know that Jesus Christ lived? There were many answers given, but yours was spiritually powerful, in part, because I know, that you know, what you said is true. You answer was, " We know that Jesus really lived because we have the scriptures with testimonies of the prophets, and we can read those scriptures, and trust those prophets." Your answer is so true! I know it and feel it. I am so grateful for your courage to share it. Thank you for your example to me. "

That same courage and testimony is felt by each of us in our family just as this member of the Bishopric noticed.

On Sundays Brooke often reminds Will that we should watch shows about Prophets on the Sabbath Day, which is one reason we end up watching " The Prince of Egypt " most Sundays.

Because Brooke memorizes and loves the scriptures with me, Will is learning to follow her example.

Brooke does not hesitate at all to invite her friends to church or explain her religion to them.

I am truly blessed to be this Brooke's Mother!

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