Saturday, January 5, 2019

Believing in the spiritual

A few months ago Will had an appointment with the dentist at which point we were told he had a cavity. I have never had a cavity so I was pretty nervous for Will to deal with shots in his mouth.

Will did great in comparison to me who literally ran out of the room and cried about getting shots as a child ( no one would have guessed I'd enjoy healthcare then) .

On the way home from the dentist and after a couple errands Will screamed and
He handed me a little white pebble.

Having no experience with fillings or cavities I didn't know what it was that Will handed to me as he screamed that he almost choked on it.

I said, " Is there a hole where that cavity was? "

Will said, " I know what to do Mom. I will put this under my pillow tonight and see if the tooth fairy leaves me money for it? If she doesn't, then it is not a real part of my tooth?

I held my laughter in.

I don't think Will is going to believe in the tooth fairy anymore because this year as I was asking to take him to see Santa, he demanded I answer a lot of questions.

Will asked me if I believed in Santa Clause?

That was so typically smart of Will because he knows I am passionate about what I Believe and he would have been able to tell if I was not telling him the truth. ( Besides the fact that I constantly tell Brooke and Will that Santa and commercial Christmas is not what Christmas is about.

I told Will that I believe in the spirit of Christmas. It didn't help. He said, " But do you believe in Santa that flys a sleigh around the world? "

I said I believe there was once a guy that inspired Santa because he gave gifts to poor people, but all because of Jesus.

I think Will still enjoyed Christmas, because I told him never to tell anyone, and that it's a secret that he knows.

Will must believe that Brooke needed to be excited about Santa coming this year. Will said to Brooke, " You know Santa needs a treat as he brought out a plate of cookies, while he smiled at me. "

This year the kids and I didn't get to home-make our birthday cake for Jesus because on Christmas Eve with limited time, we decided to buy Jesus's cake, and go visit Al ( my home health patient. I care for bandaging and cleaning wounds for him daily )
Because he was in the hospital.

Al was very happy, which I told Brooke and Will was more important than the cake being hand-made by us.

We still sang " Silent Night " after reading Luke 2, and remembered what Christmas is truly for - celebration of our Savior's birth.

Uncle Allen's family was able to join in on our yearly tradition of singing to Jesus with His cake.

Will, I received a moment this week when I felt our Savior's love for you and for me, and us all. Being your Mother is a great privlidge. You were very upset that you lost a Lego from your new Christmas set and we looked and looked for that figure for a long time .When Brooke asked me why I was helping you for so long I wondered myself edgy it was important to me and the spirit entered my mind that the Lord is that way and His spirit was with me, working to show you that love; He cares about all of our fears, hopes, and desires. When I asked you to pray with me that you would find it, you had tears in your eyes and said, " I already did " At that moment I also knew how special you are to have done that on your own. I know that you really did pray on your own, because when we had passed a car wreck the other day, you asked Brooke and I to pray for that person you saw and then you prayed, while we joined you.

You have a lot of love, faith and diligence to show you believe. When your cousins left church early this week Will, you didn't even want to not stay. You enjoy thinking about your Savior, and you are grateful for your blessings.

One of the greatest things a Mother could hear came from your words in a prayer you did on your own. You said, " Thank you for this wonderful life. "

I love you my prince Will. 💝💝💝

     Your Mom

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