Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Thirteen Years Old!!!

 Brooke had a birthday and is thirteenth years old now!!!

The teenage years have began with a blast of growth and emotions. Within the last few months Brooke has met my height and greatly out grew my shoe size.

It is a good reminder that time with my princess is limited and the teenage tears are the last times that I will probably be the first person that she comes to when she is in need of expressing herself.

Brooke has had fun lately exploring her femininity as she suddenly likes to shop for clothes. This is both fun and expensive to have two of us that like clothes.

Brooke continues to be mindful of her future each day. If I would have been thinking of my future the way Brooke does, my life would look different. I think Brooke is mature and gifted to care now about how her adult life will turn out .

Last night Brooke showed her goal oriented gift when she told me that she really wanted to be in the show choir next year, but that there is a bio medical class she can take which will give her more credit and the ability to receive more college credit in high school.

While many kids are strictly thinking about their clothes, Brooke continues to be hopeful of staying in the top percent of quality in her generation.

Brooke was sad that church went to two hours instead of three this year, and she has mentioned it almost every Sunday since it has taken effect.

Brooke loves to ice skate and we have new plans in place to help her be challenged and develop this love more.

When I recently told Brooke about the seneerio which would allow her to skate more, because of lower cost, Brooke exclaimed, " This is one of the best days of my life! " I was thrilled she liked my plan since I was not sure how she would feel, but I was even more curious as to what the other best days of her life were?

When I asked her she quickly responded in such a way that Brooke's true testimony, faith, and special spirit were revealed. Brooke answered in response to my curiosity that the best day if her life was " the day she was baptized " and the second best day " was the day that her brother Will was born ".

Little brother Will looked at her in shock and with a smile on his face as he heard this.

I am blessed each day that Brooke is my daughter and I know it is a gift to watch her grow into the incredible person that everyone who knows her, knows she is and will become .

Brooke, You are my beautiful princess always .

Happy Thirteen - Love - Mom 💝

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