Saturday, July 27, 2019

Three times a charm

Three times a charm, or three times a witness? They say that by the mouth of three witnesses the truth will be made known. I don't know if that counts when speaking of children speaking, but I feel like Brooke has given her witness that she wants to serve a mission when she is old enough.

First, a few weeks ago Brooke proclaimed to  all of us in the car that she used to not want to go on a mission, but she kept seeing that every single missionary she met is so happy, so she decided she wanted to go on a mission.

A few days later when talking about cousins and how old they are, Brooke made the comment that she would be on her mission at the time they had reached that age.

And lastly, yesterday Will asked Brooke if when she turned old enough to get an apartment, if she would get one with an empty room so he could put his pet ferrets in it? And, not just one, but an entire room full of ferrets, just for him? Brooke actually stopped and thought about this. I saw her pause, and you might think her answer would be, " No! I don't want a room full of your ferrets in my first apartment!" But, instead, she thoughtfully considered and realized that her first apartment she lived in,

she would be on a mission! She said, " Will, they won't let you have pets on your mission and my first apartment will be when I go on a mission! "

Even if she changes her mind when she is old enough, it is a blessing to hear that Brooke has been touched by the happy spirits that missionaries possess.

It is a blessing that while most teens think about what their first apartment will have in it, my teenager didn't take thought to what she would have, but what she was planning to give to the Lord.

That's my treasure that you have felt of the truth of the Restored Gospel Brooke.

Brooke I know that the happy spirit you have felt has come from the fruits of the spirit which those sacrificing what some would call the greatest years of their lives,  (because of freedom to party, no parents to give rules, and having as much fun as possible before committing to a person or job) ; rather calling the entry into adulthood the greatest years of their lives because they had every min. And hour to sacrifice for the building of God's Kingdom on earth.

So with your witness, I add mine that you will be happy as you seek the Kingdom of God and if you spend time teaching the gospel, as you enter adulthood.

I am grateful to have such a daughter and more so blessed to have a plan and forgiveness from our Savior, Jesus Christ.

Love, Mommy

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