Friday, September 6, 2019

Third Grade Begins For Will

 Will has had a great start to his Third Grade year! With Will's excitement of getting our new puppy that he named himself, and having one of his good friends Aiden, whom lives just across the street, get put in his class; things couldn't be better for Will, this fall! Not to mention an upcoming trip to Disney!

The most admirable thing about Will and this start to the new year was when one boy wouldn't let Aiden, his friend, play with them. Will told me about it that day after school. Upon me suggesting all kind of things he said, " I just need time and I will take care of it myself tomorrow. "

Sure enough the next day Will reported that he had resolved the problem, and stood up for his friend the next day.

Will is obviously a boy because he didn't feel a need to discuss or receive guidance on this kid drama.

Will was mature to tell me about it, and let me know he was going to figure it out himself, and he sure did!

A couple nights ago I was reading a book to Will before bed when something beautiful came about from our reading.

Will, I am always so proud of your love for our Savior and your testimony of the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ.

As I was reading you a book and the character in the book stated that the most powerful thing a person can have is a positive attitude, you quickly exclaimed, " Mom, that's not true! "

I said, " Well Will, what do you think is the most powerful thing a person can have? "

You proudly stated, " Jesus Christ is the most powerful thing and your faith in Him. "
I was so happy you knew that Will!

Then you went on to say , " Even the Holy Ghost gives you more power than being positive because he helps you. "

You have a truly strong testimony of the things that are true Will, and I am so blessed to be your Mother.

After we read that book you must have felt the spirit about bearing your testimony Will, because you said, " I like you reading me that book. Thank you for reading to me Mom. "

Your spiritual gift of gratitude was enhanced because you felt the spirit in your testimony Will!

You are a good boy that also makes sure your cat Hulky that you love, doesn't feel left out because of your new puppy, that you named, " Waffles ".

I love you my prince Will,

Love, Mommy 💝

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