Saturday, April 25, 2020

We have been able to see the inspiration of our Prophet Russell M. Nelson as we were taught over a year ago how to teach and hold church lessons at home, with schedules and information on how to help each member of our family engage. Only he was inspired knowing that we would be forced to hold only at home church in a coming time due to world circumstances.

On Easter we were so blessed that Grandpa Pack could come and give us the body and blood of Christ in the sacred ordinance of the sacrament at our home.

Brooke, Will, and I dressed up to show our great love and praise to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

After our Sacrament meeting, we had an Easter Egg Hunt and enjoyed the Italian meatball recipe meatballs from the original Sicilian Italians, made by me.

The spirit was strong and Will and Brooke each turned thoughts towards our Savior as they said prayers of thanks for the resurrection that day.

Covid-19 chicken crush

It might be my fault that Brooke has a fascination for chickens? When Brooke was only two she had her own ducks and chickens for a few weeks around Easter until we had arranged for another family who wanted them, to take them. Since that Easter, it has become the Easter question as to whether or not she can get chicks for Easter time? It has been a matter of knowing if someone we know wants them as we can't keep them, or whether or not we had just received a new pet, or would be in town for Easter; though she did take them with us to Missouri one Easter!

Last year Brooke discovered a new kind of chicken and loved it? It is called a Silky Chicken. Why? I don't know? But, like I said, maybe I have engrained some sort of chicken fascination in her since she had chickens as a pet and had to give them up after a week? Maybe it is post traumatic chicken abandonment that leaves her with a life long goal of keeping the chickens?
Not to mention once when visiting Audrey's family whom had a chicken coop and chickens, she witnessed the abandonment of a chicken whom was bullying the other chickens as Audrey drove all the kids in the car and the chicken deep into the Colorado woods and left it there for dead.

Brooke started buying things on her own with pictures of chickens on them and even a pair of socks with chickens on them?

She plans to have a farm with chickens when she is older?

This year we were at the house we can't leave, home schooling, and endless movie nights due to Covid-19...and I was positive if there was a farm store open with chicks there, I was going to surprise Brooke and bring them home.

So there I was in gloves and a mask during the mandated store shutdowns, driving not to hoard toilet paper, but to see if I could find some chickens; upon finding the store open and in my highheels, clearly not looking like a farm girl,  said hopefully to the farm store associate,  " Do you have any baby chicks, covid-19 free that I can purchase for a week and bring back? " The farm store employee laughed and said, " No problem! You just wont get your money back!"

When I brought the chicks home Brooke was so happy she was squealing in delight.

They spent a week with us, and Waffles didn't even try to get them, and the ptsd of getting rid of chickens continues but it's well worth it!