Saturday, April 25, 2020

We have been able to see the inspiration of our Prophet Russell M. Nelson as we were taught over a year ago how to teach and hold church lessons at home, with schedules and information on how to help each member of our family engage. Only he was inspired knowing that we would be forced to hold only at home church in a coming time due to world circumstances.

On Easter we were so blessed that Grandpa Pack could come and give us the body and blood of Christ in the sacred ordinance of the sacrament at our home.

Brooke, Will, and I dressed up to show our great love and praise to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

After our Sacrament meeting, we had an Easter Egg Hunt and enjoyed the Italian meatball recipe meatballs from the original Sicilian Italians, made by me.

The spirit was strong and Will and Brooke each turned thoughts towards our Savior as they said prayers of thanks for the resurrection that day.

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