Sunday, November 29, 2020




As a Mother I am very blessed by your faith. A couple weeks ago when I was reading in 3 NEPHI to you, during our scripture study, we came to the portion that gave the promise to anyone who reads The Book of Mormon, they should ask, to know if it true. I suppose I had heard this passage in The Book of Mormon so many times that it did not hit me as something to talk to you about, but you were listening and the spirit must have pricked your heart of the truth of this promise as you interrupted my reading,you said, " Mom, I haven't done that? " I said, " You haven't done what? " You said, " I haven't prayed and asked if The Book of Mormon is true? But, can I because I know all the stories but I can't read like that. "  Your concern about your dyslexia was flooding over you, no heart was touched by your desire to follow the instructions in The Book of Mormon, even so much so, that you wanted to make sure you could ask even if you hadn't done it the way others had. I felt the spirit fill the room with gentle love from Heavenly Father for you Will. I told you, " Of course you can ask if the Book of Mormon is true, because you have done what you can in watching videos and every single one about the BOM. you have read a lot if it too. Why don't we read all of 3 Nephi and you can ask? " You thought about what I said and replied, " Well, can He answer the question again, if I already know The Book of Mormon is true? Because I know it's true, I just hadn't done what that scripture said. " I suppose the feeling of love I was feeling from the Lord for you, also had reminded you that you already knew. I said, " Yes, Will, you can still ask. You can just tell Heavenly Father that you know The Book of Mormon is true, but that can He send you messages to help your testimony of it be stronger . " You seemed excited and said, " Okay, after we read 3 Nephi. " I then encouraged you to try and read yourself again as you don't like to, and you have done wonderful in the children's version! 

Will, Last Sunday you were so supportive of Brooke and me. Brooke had Fireside to go to and I found out the parents could also. I didn't know what to do because we had left Grandma and Grandpas house and wouldn't make it on time if I were to take you back. By the time I found out parents were allowed to go we wouldn't be there early as Brooke likes. You said, " Mom, it's okay. I can just go with you guys too, since I know you want to be there with Brooke. " This was so thoughtful of you Will. Your offer was heard by the Lord, I am certain. As Brooke wanted to go alone, you even consoled me on the rest of the drive home and said, " Mom, it's just because Brooke likes to feel like she is in charge that she doesn't want you to go. Don't feel bad. She just wants to be in charge of everything. " 

You handle Brooke being a teenager pretty well Will, and you reminded her how logical you are and patient about her mood shifting. Brooke decided recently she wants to be a school teacher. Will, you told her when she declared this, " I don't think that's a good idea for you to be a teacher Brooke." She asked why, " You said, " Well, you can't even handle one of me for 20 min. How can you handle an entire class of me without being so annoyed? you can't do it! " Brooke reminded you quickly that no child is like a little brother.

I think you handle Brooke being a teen pretty well Will, but you are getting really sick of the virus. Today you complained that you couldn't go to Primary again this week after Sacrament, and you are feeling pretty lonely missing as much time with friends at recess etc. 

Will, You now love Pokemon and you are so thoughtful that when you opened a pack of Pokemon cards this week; you saw you got a card that is your friend's favorite, and you were excited!  ( you get to see this friend because he is in your class ) ! You said, " I am going to give this to my friend William! " Can I make him a card and put it inside? I said, " Of course." Well, you didn't forget you wanted to do this Will. On a Friday night I asked what you wanted to do. You said, " I want to get a funny card for William to put his Pokemon card in." I said, " Okay." You were pretty upset you couldn't find what you envisioned at the store and got grumpy at me. A few min. Later you said, " Sorry Mom, did I make you feel bad? " You felt bad for getting upset at me that you couldn't find what  you wanted.

Will, you care how others feel and when I was sad the other day you said, " Mom, You don't have anything to be sad for because you are the nicest person ever and Jesus said that if you have charity then you have the best gift, and you do have charity and if you didn't have charity then you could be sad, because then without charity you are nothing. " You are a true example to me Will! 

Sunday, November 8, 2020

River and a brook

Well, Brooke....You dressed up as " River Song " from " Doctor Who " for Halloween this year. River.. 

   You love the tv series " Doctor Who " and you have gotten your brother into it as well! I am not sure if you not only love the show, " Doctor Who"  but if you think on a daily basis that you need a doctor because of how unusual you think your parents are right now in your life? 

I am not sure if it's a teenager thing or just being a child of us, but you do constantly look at us strange and ask if we are being serious? 

Brooke, I can't blame you. You are really smart, and you do show me so many things I can do in the tech world, and tell me that I need to stop only posting scriptures on my social media pages if I want anyone to want to listen to me? 

You are so organized in your ability to produce a plan on paper, so much so that your Dad asked you to make a planned out parenting guideline for us? You said, " Aren't you supposed to do that Dad? " When your Dad offered to pay you to do this, you didn't hesitate. 

Brooke, you continue to want to help the helpless as you want to be a Vet and show compassion to those in need, even as you stopped and announced to the house hold that you never imagined your Dad would ask you how to work the washing machine when you were 14 years old and expected that to be a normal question in his mind? Or when you wanted to help your Mom ( me ) by making each of her students use hand sanitizer as they walk in the door for a CPR class in our house? Or helping the helpless parents by ordering groceries online when we are in a hurry, researching what kind of products we should buy to protect the environment, and looking for better deals on the internet for things that we purchase...or when your Mom says we should eat cake for breakfast and you recommend something else. 

Brooke, I am grateful for your goals that you talk about that set a good example for your brother. Will has a good example of caring about his school work in you, and caring about the animals in nurturing and sweetness that he learned from you in the pets. 

So that you don't look back at this and feel completely sorry for yourself for living in a house with the helpless....

You did get some needed help from a little brother of yours a few days ago when you were using a drill on your own bedroom wall, (you were trying to hang a jewelry holder ). Will, upon hearing the sound of a drill, came into your room, and for the first time didn't get sent out as you said, " Will, I need your help!" Will had to tell you that you were using the wrong type of screw, you were drilling into a stud, and had the drill put into reverse mode. Will says that he saved you from having about 15 holes in your wall that day. Apparently Will knew where the stud finder was in the garage and as soon as he brought it into your room, you let him take over. 


I took Brooke to the recording studio with me to record a song she wanted to sing for choir! She did awesome and the amazing thing was it was my favorite Christmas song to song as a kid!!!
" The Christmas Song "