Thursday, April 22, 2021

Brooke " book"



      Oh my goodness you are growing as fast as you did when you were a toddler and grew out of your shoes every month. You are taller than most all around you that are your age, and so between you and I, we make up the shortest and the tallest in our activities with the other girls in our Pack family. 

You gave me some really beautiful advise a few days ago, and it shows me you are growing up on the inside, as you always do faster than I did at your age anyhow. You told me not to feel bad about myself and that everyone is entitled to have a bad day and that you think I am a really good Mom. I appreciated that so much Brooke. It was a sweet moment I will remember as you said, " You aren't like a Pinterest Mom that has everything perfectly clean but you are like a real Mom and you are good at the most important things like teaching Will and me the gospel, and helping us in our emotions and being there for us in that. " You then said, " I don't ever worry or think you don't love me, because you are good at that, and that is being a good Mom. " I haven't ever heard you give me a pep talk like I do try to give you, but I knew then, that if I was good at doing my most important work on earth, raising my children up in the Lord and teaching them to love God through action, then I don't need to worry about anything; so thank you Brooke. 

It has been lately you are carrying a load of books around and reading so much that I can't wait until you are finished with a book. 

It's perfect that Will called you " book " for the longest time. Sometimes I have to remember it's a good thing that you like to read. 

You are a favorite of babysitters in our ward and you watch a single Mother's children on Sunday as she has to work two hours. I know they will remember their babysitter who gave them a little church lesson and I love to hear the funny things they said to you. You want to have children and you will be a good Mom Brooke! Better than me, I am sure; and I want that for you! 

I was especially blessed to hear you tell me you knew what I meant about the warmth the spirit gives, and I hadn't heard you talk about that a lot; so I asked when you feel that warmth of the spirit, and you said when you go to church. I know that you do Brooke because you are reverent and seem happy at church lately. Even though Will teases you to no end, until I make him sit by me, you are listening, and those are the things that make me feel and trust that Father in Heaven is your first Father, and is also I going to guide you, your entire life, as He loved you first. 

You were student of the month in Feb. And I am sure that you would get that award every month if they could give it to the same kiddos. 

I love you Brooke, and you are my princess. 


       Mommy 💝

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Wills caring and carrying


A few days ago you made a big effort to think of me and I won't forget it! I was coming home from the store with Brooke and I knew I'd be coming to the house right as a CPR student of mine would be coming to the house. Well, I was a few min. behind, and the student being a few min. early, was waiting at the house for me. When I pulled up you ran to the car and said, " Mom, your student is just sitting in the chair waiting for you! " I said, " Thank you for telling me. " As I was letting her fill out paper work Will, you came in the house panting and puffing, you said, " Here is your CPR manikins Mom." 

I didn't ask you to bring in the huge bag full of dummies that even adults struggle to carry! You were trying to help me Will. I already had the manikins set up at the table before I left, you were just so thoughtful that you opened the back hatch on your own and took it upon yourself to help me as you thought I needed that bag! I was sorry to tell you, " Thank you Will, I have these manikins. " You sighed and shrugged your shoulders down not believing you did all that. I won't forget it though Will! 

Having all your friends over last Friday, suddenly out of no where you came up to me and gave me a hug and said, " Mom, Are you okay? Are you good? " I couldn't believe you even had a thought for my well-being when having so much fun with your friends. 

You are blessed to have the thoughtful care towards me and especially when I need it Will. These moments you give your care to me are some of the best moments of my life. 

You love Jesus and can't wait to watch the tv series about Him " The Chosen ". You even wanted ton watch it with Apollo around. That shows me that you seek first His kingdom! 

I love you my prince Will. 


 Mommy 💝