Monday, May 17, 2021


 Brooke and Will, 

      It is May and that means Mother's Day and my birthday. I love that my birthday is near Mother's Day because I love being a Mother and particularly, your Mother. I am incredibly blessed that both of you are exceptional in individual ways. 

Brooke, I enjoyed talking to you about Motherhood a few days ago, and I felt of your desire to help others as you told me when you were a Mom, you wanted to adopt children. 

I talked to you about how neat that is, and I would have liked to do that as well, but there is also something about carrying a child of God inside you, that makes you very close to Him. I shared with you about the scripture in Isaiah in which God says, " Can a Mother forget her sucking child? Neither will He, our Father in Heaven ever forget or stop loving us. " 

As I felt the love that I had for a spirit child that I had never even met yet, as you were developing within me, I understood more how much our Father in Heaven loves us, and His Son Jesus Christ. Just as a Mother carrying the fetus is providing every nutrient, and constantly thinking about the care she gives to provide what is needed for her baby, so does Our Savior Jesus Christ provide the living water for us which is the symbol of providing all we could ever need for our development and grace or forgiveness taking upon Himself the burden and consequence of our sins. As a Mother is pregnant her body would even take calcium off her bones to give to the baby, if she didn't have enough for the two. All Mothers I know personally would carry the burden and sins of their children. Just like our Savior Jesus Christ also gave up His life, and let His blood be shed, so does a Mother give away every other interest and personal aspiration to be there for her child and in such a way that the body can not forget, as He says, " You are written on my hands " a Mother too has the marks and signs of child birth to never forget her child.

You shared with me that you do want to have your own children Brooke, which shows that you want to do all that you can to help a child who doesn't have a Mother on earth that can care for them, and those spirits waiting for life on earth. 

You are my princess and there is nothing that I want as much as the greatest chance for you to feel the love of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, through me. 

Will, You recently picked some wild flowers for me and I was so surprised you didn't stop doing that for me as you became older. I keep thinking the day will come that you do not bring me flowers from when you are outside playing and see a wild one, but you still do and it shows me how sweet and loving you are. You still don't mind going places with me right now, though at some point I am sure you will mind. I will never forget the funny things you say during our drives and especially when I was going to teach a CPR class and said, " Alright, we are about there Will. " You looked at the only thing in sight as we were out in the country, and right before us was a graveyard. You said, " Mom, You are going to teach CPR in a graveyard!? " I laughed out loud and said yes, that is the best way to get people to pay attention to me, to remind them where the victim will be if they don't do a good job? Or to see if we can bring them back to life, as I joked. You help me carry things in and try to make me feel better if I am in need. I hurt my neck awhile ago and you brought me your phone with " The Chosen" our favorite series on YouTube tv about Jesus, and you put it in my face and held it in front of me as I have done for you when you were sick and I tried to distract you from feeling bad with a movie. You know just what a person in need should do, as you turned to Jesus in the video and tried to remind me of Him. 

You are my prince Will and You telling me that I am the nicest person to you in the world on your card to me is something I know is my happiness to do for both Brooke and you. 

Love, Mommy 💝

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