Friday, July 23, 2021

Fourth of July Fun

 This Fourth of July we were able to go to Lubbock and spend the weekend with Uncle Allen's family, Aunt Audrey's family, and Sarah's sister Rachell's family, and Sarah's sister Jen. (Rachell's family just moved into the Prosper Stake with Will, Brooke, and myself!)

We swam and set off fireworks which was lucky that Uncle Allen was nice enough to let us, since as an FBI Agent and fireman and police officer three in a row including Uncle Allen, it was pretty risky to be found breaking the " out of city " firework suggestion. 

Uncle Allen, Will, Kevin, me, and Audrey were mostly the ones outside for that fun, since the group was big. 

Mustang Island


Mustang Island

 This summers highlights included going to Mustang Island in Texas with Aunt Amy's family, Grandma and Grandpa Pack. Almost every child got stung by a jelly fish, almost everyone got sunburnt, and for sure every one will keep some memories of Texas beach with cousins and Grandpa and Grandma. 

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Will Taco

I found out one day when Will had a candy taco in his hand after school, apparently he wrote on all his papers for school " Will Taco " this past school year. 

Will's teacher this past year, being in our ward, and loving Will and his silly and sweet ways, didn't say anything to Will about this, so Will kept doing it. 

I asked Will, " How did you get that candy? " It was a cute little taco and Will loved to say the word taco this past school year, and so much so that we made him try a taco since he said the word so much and wrote the word all the time. Lots of times if a paper was sitting around there would be a little " Taco " in Will's handwriting on the top of it, or on my car if it became to dirty there would be the " Taco " written, showing me I need to wash the car! 

Will answered me about the candy taco, " My teacher  ( a different teacher than the first I mentioned ) gave it to me because I like tacos.

Well Will, That's how I found out that at school, your name on papers is Will Taco, and that you even asked your teacher to play the silly song, " It's Raining Tacos " for your class when given the chance to choose a song for the class to listen to. 

Well, with it being your birthday a few weeks or so ago Will, when we saw a taco Pinata , you right away were excited and so, you also had a taco time during your birthday party. It actually was a Tuesday, if I remember right? 

You chose to go swimming with your cousins and it was also perfect that not only did you have your taco pinatas, but you also had your large swimming floater to lay on that's a taco at your eleventh birthday party. 

I guess maybe you don't like to eat a lot of different foods Will, but you like to say food names, like naming your Dog " Waffles " and your cat " Butter " ... and naming yourself " Will Taco ".

Love Your Taco Mommy 💝


Thursday, July 1, 2021

Wills blanket

Will- You know Grandma Pack gave you this thin white blanket when you were born. She thought it would be perfect to swaddle you in as Grandpa Pack would give you your baby blessing. We had no idea at that time you were born that you would have itchy skin from allergies and it ended up being the perfect thin material that would be good for a baby with Eczema. We also had no idea that you would become so attached to this blanket that you would pack it up into your backpack secretly and try and bring it to pre-school. I let you pack it everyday for awhile, knowing pretty soon you'd feel so big you'd stop bringing it on your own, and that's exactly what happened, although when not a pre-school you still carried the blanket all over the house and slept with it each night. Good thing Grandma bought two of them after finding out it was the best blanket for your skin and that you liked. Luckily I can wash one and there is still one for you to sleep with each night, but during the day you have decided that the huge kitten " Butter " which you named to go along with your " waffles", should use it as his baby blanket. For some reason you never pick up this cat without first wrapping it in your blanket that you were wrapped in as a new born! You think it looks cute and probably like to make me smile when I see you holding the cat in your baby blanket. 

You turned eleven on the 23rd but your more thoughtful to me than most people, so I know you are going to be a good man of God when you are not just eleven, because you are now! 

My neck was hurting a few days ago and when I said so, you asked if you could carry my purse, and then gave me a lecture about how I don't need to carry all those things with me, but I know you want me to do as I would like because when shopping for a new swimming suit for you on your birthday, I asked between a few which you wanted and you stopped and said while looking at me, " Mom, which one are you wanting me to choose? " and then you said the one I wanted. 

You told me yesterday that you think it would be scary to have lived when Jesus was alive, and you want to meet Him the most but you wouldn't have wanted to be there when they did " those things " to Him and killed Him. I am glad I live now with you here too and that we can meet Jesus face to face later, because at this time there is a lot we can use and do to help Jesus in His work. 

Will, Your sister has been at Aunt Audrey's for 10 days and you have never complained once or said it isn't fair she is with her cousins. You love when other people are happy and you even say on a number of occasions that you love how happy Waffles always is. You are the only one who plays with Waffles and you help us all start playing with him because you even like the dog to be happy. 

I know you will have a happy life always as you keep the faith in Jesus Christ that you have now and serve in His church and Priesthood. 

Love, Mommy💝