Monday, September 27, 2021

Teachers tell the truth about Brooke

 Brooke! You must know how even at your age, which can be as the scriptures explain it, " in the shame of  youth ", or as Joseph Smith explained, " a time of jovial tendencies " , that you are experiencing at 15 years old;  your teachers still say wonderful things about you! To me Brooke, you are aware of the unstable teenager responses in yourself and you talk to me about those, which continues to show me how special and strong of a daughter of God that you are, being willing to search out and address your concerns and taking up self learning. These attributes in you show your desire to progress and your ability to continue being the incredible girl that you always have been even in a time of extra need here in mortality. 

I agree with your teachers and wanted you to see all the things that your teachers have said as I emailed them last week. Maybe these extra messages beyond just mine, can help you see how Heavenly Father, whom is your first Father, has blessed you with many gifts. I love you my princess Brooke! 💝

Brooke is bright and catches on quickly - AP ALGEBRA Teacher 

Brooke is very talented in her writing! :) She is also one of the sweetest kids! :) - AP English Teacher

Brooke is a smart student - AP Chemistry 

Brooke is bright and catches on quickly - AP ALGEBRA Teacher 

Brooke is very talented in her writing! :) She is also one of the sweetest kids! :) - AP English Teacher

Brooke is a smart student - AP Chemistry 

Sunday, September 12, 2021

New School - 5th Grade


You have had the experience of going to a new school this year. Since another school was built,  ( the two schools were split) you went with most of the new neighborhood and are not with most of the friends you had accumulated through your elementary years being in an opposite neighborhood as your old school. 

You were in tears most nights for a you were going to bed om the first week of school. You prayed in faith that you would be able to make a friend and I asked Grandma and Grandpa to pray that you would make new friends too. 

I had been praying a lot a couple weeks into school for you, and on our way home from your school, I received an email I needed to respond to quickly. I pulled over the car and while I was typing you rolled down your window and said the name of a little boy I had briefly been told by you the day before, that you might be able to make friends with him, because he is nice. 

I had the " sudden strokes of ideas " that Joseph Smith talks about as revelation that if this little boy was walking in the neighborhood he must not live far, and because of Covid parents don't get to meet each other at school parties anymore, so I should try and meet his Mom now, to set up a playdate, so that you can consider him your friend. 

I followed my thought and said, " Hey buddy, is your Mom around so I can get a playdate set up for you and Will? " The little boy agreed that we could go home with him and I went and knocked on his door to find a very nice Mom whom said they had moved in right as Covid happened and she knew how it was for your son to be sad not having friends they want. She got my phone number and I received hers. 

Will, This was a miraculous answer to prayer that this happened as I received the thought to go talk to his Mom because you were invited to his birthday party and because she had my phone number and knew you needed some help, all coming from the Lord; there were 4 boys from your current class at school also invited because they live near each other, and you were able to not only gain one new friend but 4 new friends or at least closer friendships than would have been if this would not have happened. 

I know Heavenly Father loves you and is mindful of each of our needs and hears our God prayers for each other. When you walked into the party and some of the boys from class were excited to see you and exclaimed, " WILL is here! " I felt the kindness and mercy of our God and His Son Jesus Christ. The spirit confirmed to me that you had the faith in your prayers and so did we, and that you are a beloved son of God. 

This birthday party was the first sleepover you have had Will, and when you were excitedly packing your things into a bag, you said, " Mom, I should start reading the Book of Mormon . " I said, " Yes, let me put the app on your phone. " You had left the room by then, but when I was looking into your bag to see all you brought, your blue Book of Mormon was packed inside of your bag. 

I know that being 11 years old at your first sleepover you might not have gotten it out, but I know that you love the Lord and that this showed me your faith in His words in scripture and your desire to learn and worship about Him. 

You are young but wise in such a way that I promise if your faith and love for God continues, your prayers will always be answered that are a good desire and perhaps in ways that you might not see as clearly as this event, and perhaps not as quickly, but you will be given the righteous desires of your heart as your heart is pure and your worship and trust in Jesus Christ ever strong. 

I am very blessed to be your Mother and you are a chosen child of God to be born in this day, and this place where the Gospel is in its fullest. 

Love your Mommy 💝