Monday, September 27, 2021

Teachers tell the truth about Brooke

 Brooke! You must know how even at your age, which can be as the scriptures explain it, " in the shame of  youth ", or as Joseph Smith explained, " a time of jovial tendencies " , that you are experiencing at 15 years old;  your teachers still say wonderful things about you! To me Brooke, you are aware of the unstable teenager responses in yourself and you talk to me about those, which continues to show me how special and strong of a daughter of God that you are, being willing to search out and address your concerns and taking up self learning. These attributes in you show your desire to progress and your ability to continue being the incredible girl that you always have been even in a time of extra need here in mortality. 

I agree with your teachers and wanted you to see all the things that your teachers have said as I emailed them last week. Maybe these extra messages beyond just mine, can help you see how Heavenly Father, whom is your first Father, has blessed you with many gifts. I love you my princess Brooke! 💝

Brooke is bright and catches on quickly - AP ALGEBRA Teacher 

Brooke is very talented in her writing! :) She is also one of the sweetest kids! :) - AP English Teacher

Brooke is a smart student - AP Chemistry 

Brooke is bright and catches on quickly - AP ALGEBRA Teacher 

Brooke is very talented in her writing! :) She is also one of the sweetest kids! :) - AP English Teacher

Brooke is a smart student - AP Chemistry 

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