Saturday, November 6, 2021

Brooke and a wand or her Mom


This past summer you read a back story book that went viral about the " Mauradors " of Harry Potter, like Serius Black and James Potter etc. 

You loved this book so much you even bought the fan merchandise. 

Since Will had been reading Harry Potter and was getting excited to finally be able to read these books, I wanted to do something nice for both of you that is on our family bucket list. 

I started looking and found round trip tickets to Orlando for $57 a person and bought them right away. 

We all needed to live in a fantasy for a moment and so, I took you guys to Universal Studios, The Wizarding World of Harry Potter for a weekend! 

Brooke, You were so excited to see Diagone Alley or what was made exactly like the books described, that you walked quickly and almost running past all the other attractions to get to it. 

Brooke, You wanted to have this experience that they do randomly in a show where you can purchase your own wand, yet they choose someone in particular to become the showcase of personalizing your own wand. I went through this show with you four times. Yes, even after the third time you had not been chosen, and so I said it was the last time I was trying with you to get you randomly chosen to have a wand choose you. You agreed, we should just go buy one and quit trying to have a wand or worker " choose you ". 

The fun of the wand choosing a person was that the wand keeper told the chosen person what their traits are that the wand chose them for and you could practice fake magic with stunts in the room you could wave at and things would fall apart and come back together. 

I am not a wand Brooke, but if I was, I would choose you because your ability to read about things you are interested in and remember them is magical to me! The other traits I would choose you for are your courage and bravery since you recently have asked a friend and have asked me to purchase books, that I see you working on and reading, which tackle subjects that many adults go their entire lives without addressing; subjects full of introspection into one's self of why they do what they do, and how to internally change thought processes and be able to view yourself from an outside perspective. That is so brave and courageous that you took it upon yourself to ask me to purchase you books that your therapist should be asking me to buy for you, and yet, she did not, and neither did I...but your heightened capacity to understand life and moving forward from your spiritual gifts allowed you to know, you should seek learning through good books and you courageously attempt to do that which I have heard adults say they don't need to change or address within themselves. Brooke, I would choose you if I were a wand because of your characteristic in being a good friend to others. I see you do so many things for your friends like buying them gifts, wanting to talk to them to help them through their hard times, and because of your loyalty to them in love and acceptance of them, even if you don't understand why they do something. Your friends are blessed to have you.I would choose you if I were a wand because of your testimony Brooke. Even in some days of struggle your friend asked you about our church and you told me you explained the Priesthood to him and I came into your room and found a stack of my books about the church, that you asked me if you could give them to him. I know this shows your testimony and desire to give the truths you have to those you love. 

I guess it's okay that I am not a magical wand that needs to choose a wizard because the most magical God and Jesus made you my daughter and I know that He meant that to be full of the magic of faith and power in Jesus Christ as we work in our lives as Mother and daughter to live after the manner of happiness, with going through places that can be dark, but having faith that Jesus can light our souls with ability; and since you like to collect rocks Brooke...maybe all the rocks you collect can remind you about the faith the Brother of Jared had to see the finger of the Lord touch the rocks he collected and practice seeing the finger or hand of the Lord in our lives giving us blessings and help. 

You are my princess Brooke! 



Butter Beer at Hogs Mead 

Wand and phone I had to teach you how to use

                     Hogwarts Train 

                       Diagone Alley 

                  You two and your wands 

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