Sunday, December 26, 2021

Thanksgiving In Arizona


Will this Thanksgiving when we were in Arizona you and I both loved mountain climbing! Aunt Audrey's family took us to a cliff and told us we could climb it with just our fingers. We had fun watching you feel like Spiderman when you were a toddler and you rock climbed the indoor wall at Lifetime Fitness, but this was a real cliff? 

Eli, and Hyrum your cousins made this look really easy, so you were not scared Will. You did not want to give up and at a certain point on the mountain side, you just held on...still...not willing to stop trying. Finally Uncle Bryant told you you had to let others have a turn. 

You knew I would have liked a photo of myself as I made it to the top of the cliff, higher than anyone, and you did try to take a picture of me but it had become dark and the stress level heightened because I didn't want to come down when I turned around and looked down. Thankfully it didn't scare you when I was crying Will, but it did scare your Dad and Uncle Bryant who thought they might have to have a helicopter come get me down from the cliff. 

You like cactuses and climbing, finding space rocks which really did fall off a comet and are made of elements on this earth. ( Saphrodite ) 

You had fun cooking with Fawn, and helping her feed the neighbors 9 dogs. Well, until you guys took Lehi with you, which you guys said was the one who covered the neighbors supervision through camera? Was it Lehi? The neighbors called worried what was going on with their 9 dogs, which was strange and entertaining for you and your cousins. 

Saturday, December 4, 2021

House of Raven Claw or House of Israel


Will, Well it's December but you had enough fun in October that I couldn't miss telling you about it. You have had your advent calendar since late October, but being at Universal - Wizarding World was just as exciting at waiting for Christmas. 
Just like an advent calendar for Christmas you were counting the days until we were going to Universal. Even though you had your hands full, and your bags to carry, you still offered to carry my bags at the airport and the park when I mentioned I was carrying so much it was hurting me. You are thoughtful to me often. 

Will you took quizzes over and over before going to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter, to determine which " house " you would belong in due to your traits and personality. Each time you took the test you would tell me you belonged in Raven Claw, from the Harry Potter Saga. When we arrived at Universal you had told me the first thing you wanted to do was get a Raven Claw shirt to wear and even if you liked a different shirt from a " house " better, you didn't want to wear something that didn't represent what " house " you would be in. It was like a Scavenger hunt between rides to go to each store and find the shirt you wanted. 
You didn't mind that you are not of the most known house of Gryffindor, you wanted to be what you are and that is one of your good qualities Will. Will, you don't mind that your other friends don't pray, you always happily say the prayer with all your friends there, when I ask. You don't love rollercoasters but you can appreciate that Brooke does. 
Will, when you were really little I explained what " house " you are in, in real life, as I used Harry Potter so you could understand. 
I told you that you are of " The House of Israel " because you were adopted into that house as you were baptized. I explained that Heavenly Father and Jesus are like the " Head Master " Dumbledore, and that this is what it is like in real life: 

Heavenly Father and Jesus gave a promise to Abraham one of the first men on earth that his children and their children would be blessed because of the way he ( Abraham ) was righteous. So, Abraham had his children and one of them started to be called the " house name " Israel and so all Abraham's children's children are " The House of Israel " with these promises and specific traits and assignments just like each " house " in Harry Potter had different traits. 
But I explained that " The House of Israel " stopped being what they were supposed to and so Heavenly Father and Jesus changed the promise to Abraham that anyone who was baptized and good, would now be adopted into " The House of Israel " and that one of the other houses called the " Gentiles " would start being given the chance to join the promises and " House of Israel " , and that Heavenly Father and Jesus knew that if enough " Gentiles " we're able to join and be adopted this would be good for the actual, children of Abraham or " House of Israel"  by blood. They knew this would be good because eventually those who were originally " Gentiles " would help all the " House of Israel " either by blood or adopted. So we in the United States are also the " Gentile " nation which would be adopted into the " House of Israel " and that we would help " gather Israel or anyone who would be willing to gain the required traits. 

I know Will that just like you are happy to be like a " Raven Claw " would be, you are also happy to be of " The House of Israel " and that you are going to be part of " gathering Israel ".

Your faith and the fact that even at midnight when I have been so tired that I didn't read you a scripture yet, you will and do ask me , " Can you text me a scripture Mom? Then I will read it and do my scriptures." This shows me your " Israel " traits, and I think others can and will easily see you represent Jesus Christ, and even if you don't wear it written across your shirt, but by your faith and courage to not be the most popular like Gryffindor was. 

Your favorite thing at Universal ended up being the ride in " Hogwarts " because you said it felt exactly like flying. You liked the candy store and even though you didn't go trick or treating this year, you got magical candy like chocolate frogs and exploding bonbons. 

Before we left to Universal, we got together with Grandma and Grandpa Pack and carved pumpkins. You didn't have a stencil, you didn't have any adult help, and straight from your imagination, you carved the best pumpkin of all! Grandma Pack loved your pumpkin so much that she asked if she could take it home and display it because we were going out of town. 

I love you Will! Here is your Happy Halloween in December. 💝
