Friday, July 15, 2022


Brooke and Will, 

We could see our numerous blessings and the glory of the Lord over all the earth when we went with  Grandma and Grandpa Pack to Galveston a few weeks ago.

I found out just how rejuvenating the time was for you Will, when you started setting your alarm clock for 6am in the morning a couple days after we got back from our trip. 

Will, You slept through this 6am alarm. In fact, everyone in the house slept through this alarm except me and I don't know how because it was an alarm of your Alexa blasting music through the entire house? 

When you explained why you were setting your alarm so early Will , you said, " I am wondering what time school starts next year? I am going to set my alarm an hour earlier than last year. I think I need to be more productive. That is why I am setting the alarm clock now. " This let me know you had a nice time sleeping in and that the time with Grandma and Grandpa Pack and the ocean must have completed your summer! 

Will, This week you showed you meant it when you said you wanted to be productive. You showed me how you re-organized your bathroom with your hair gel, deodorant, and things a young boy normally is not paying attention to ( you must be ready for going to middle school as you are in a couple weeks! ) You also e-organized your bedroom this past week Will and you asked me if we could make a ramp for your cat Hulky to be able to get up to your top bunk bed, since he is getting older and is having trouble jumping now. 

It's a good thing that we didn't watch the sea monster movie that you and I watched this week Will. I don't think you would have been going in the ocean at night like Brooke, you, and I did in the pitch dark had you seen that Sea Monster movie before our trip. Honestly I thought it was dangerous to be in the ocean when it was so dark. Brooke lightened your mood when I started scaring you guys about the danger as she told you about how she wanted to marry a mer-man.
When Brooke started telling you she was sending a chant and summoning the sea Gods, I said it was time to go. It was so dark that we couldn't even see Grandma and Grandpa's chairs or faces to know which direction to walk up the beach. Since we stayed outside the city in a small town we were the only ones on the beach, and at night there were no lamp posts so we could see stars very well. 

I think you finally decided you like the beach Brooke. I heard you say for two years straight that you hated swimming and didn't want to go to the beach, but....a few weeks ago when in Galveston you said, " I think I don't like the big crowd of people getting in pools because they are peeing in the pool and it's gross, but the ocean is okay. " 

Brooke, Grandpa Pack quickly reminded you that there is fish pee all over the ocean, and you said you don't mind fish pee, just people pee. 

Even though Grandma and Grandpa took us to Moody Gardens where we learned a lot about wild life as it is  a museum and aquarium; We weren't finished discussions about the creations as Grandpa Pack and Brooke and I talked about evolution and the things Grandpa thinks about dinosaurs. I didn't think Will was listening to the conversation but suddenly he said, " Just so you know Atlantis is not real, or I don't think it is. It is just a city that was covered by the ocean. "
I guess Will had decided he better let you know you can't marry a mer-man Brooke. 

I think the most memorable part of our time with Grandma and Grandpa Pack in Galveston is going to be you, Brooke and Will, remembering how much your Grandma and Grandpa love you for wanting to spend time with you, and the " cute couple " you said to me that you think Grandma and Grandpa are. 
When we were on the beach one day on our trip Brooke, you whispered to me, " Goals...Grandma and Grandpa are a cute couple. " I know you want a summer boyfriend like you did Brooke, but you will have plenty of time for that and I am glad that I got to be with you more this summer. 

      Mommy 💝


Monday, July 11, 2022

Summer 2022


Father and son sports


Hydrous wake boarding was the Father's Day request this year, and this time going to Hydrous, we didn't do any lessons like previously having done so. 

Will, You almost didn't even try this because there weren't any younger kids being pulled around this lake and most of the men looked like professional wakeboarders, since they were doing flips off the ramps and landing straight back down on their board! It must have looked intimidating! I was actually proud of you for going half way around the lake each time without falling off your board. Your Dad was able to go around the lake standing every time, all the way around and he gave you instructions on how not to fall off the board, but it was pretty good you made it as far as you did! That was a perfect Father's Day example of your Dad's desire as a Dad, to help you try all kinds of sports. The latest your Dad signed you up for and took you to for a week straight, was La Cross. I know someday you will appreciate having been taken to every kind of sport practice imaginable. 

I guess you guys haven't found the sport you'd like to do together but I know you both like being by me,  as I do one of my favorite sports of being on the stairmaster while you two eat the popcorn for me, and ask if it counts as your workout if you go get me a drink of water? I am glad you both can agree on enjoying that with me, because it's one of our daily practices and fun activities. 

Love- Mommy 💝