Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Stranger Will in Middle School or Stranger Things?


Will, This is what you did right after I picked you up from your first day of Middle School. You kept telling me you were not tired on the drive home, but I found you like this only moments later. 

I think every Mom gets blamed at some point for the bad choice in clothing or hair styles for their kids, as their children look back at pictures of their youth in disbelief that they personally would have chosen those clothes or hair style. 

For the most part I haven't really had any qualms with your style Will, but I think when you look back at this hair you are trying to have for yourself, you will easily be able to see from your personal choice in room decor, that I am not responsible for your clothes or hair, but you are....or should I say " Naruto " or " Anime Boy " is responsible. 

It's alright with me for the most part that you are going for the Japanese Cartoon look, because I watch those anime shows with you while I do my stairmaster and those guys you model yourself after are very loyal friends! They are always fighting against evil and they are extremely smart in a way that you have to consider every scenario and possible outcome with these characters that always value their school work, sensei's, parents and passion about their friends. 

You have taught yourself how to draw Anime Cartoons and though you always come show me what you drew and you want to throw it away, as you say that it's terrible or show me the imperfection...I always go grab your drawings out of the trash can. I was happy when you were satisfied with a few that you posted on your own bedroom wall, with the posters you bought of your favorite characters. 

I don't know what is stranger Will....Stranger Things (the show we liked watching together for a few weeks during my workouts), or the fact that you are a Middle-Schooler!???!!! 

To me, it's stranger that you are in Middle School and I know you will be so mad when you read this as you are older, but I was not disappointed that you were SO SCARED during our nights of watching " Stranger Things " , that you actually played it off that you were SO tired after saying prayer in my room, that you couldn't get up, and you slept in bed with me, while your Dad continued to stay up watching shows. 
You DO NOT want to sleep in my bed anymore, so I knew you must be freaked out. I was scared most of all because the main character is named " Will " and he was kidnapped by someone! It sounded like a replay of everyday at our house when we watched that show, " Everyone unanimously yelling , " Will, Where are you? " except they were in the dark woods, and not their house, and trying to leave their house. 

I wanted you to have a really fun weekend since the first day if Middle School was not your favorite, but the following day much better, and must have been even better when we took you and Apollo to the " Stranger Things " , Fan Fare Pop UP Store with scenes set up from the tv series. You and Apollo loved it! I was happy about that. 😀

I hope I can convince you to get the hair just a bit shorter and out of your eyes some time soon, but if not, that's okay because you are my favorite Anime character and I like enjoying your excitement for the show's you like. 

  Mommy 💝

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