Saturday, April 8, 2023

Will 💝



In the last few weeks you have been such a good brother to your sister when she went to New York with Grandma and Grandpa Pack, and you stayed home for Spring Break. When I was sick a few weeks ago and laying in bed, you put a pot of water on the stove all on your own and made me herbal tea; you brought me a hot cup of tea and said, " You should drink this Mom, it will make you feel better. " I felt so blessed you cared about your Mom to do that on your own. A few days ago you did the same thing for your Dad. I said, "Why is this medicine here on the counter. " Your Dad told me when you came home from school and he was asleep that you brought it to him and said ," You should take some of this medicine to make you feel better. " 

You are an even more blessed son of God will for the spiritual blessing He gave you of the desire to follow the words of prophets to read the Book of Mormon during General Conference. You told me the first day after General Conference that you made a goal to read a page of the Book of Mormon a day, and that you began the night before. I asked you what you thought and you said you had only read the introduction because as you said. " You didn't want to miss anything." You have been talking to me a little bit each day about your reading and asking a few questions! I feel the favor of Our Heavenly Father and Jesus over you as I hear you talk and show your faith. I know They have such love for you. 

I am so very blessed to be your Mother, Will! You are a special gift to me along with your sister and others I love and have the opportunity to love; but you aren't just a special gift to me because I am your Mom, Will - You are a gift to everyone! 

In a meeting with your teachers recently ( as we have an annual meeting because of your Dyslexia ) , your teachers said how good you are in your kindness to your peers and your effort in class. One teacher said she sees you with your friends and you are doing so wonderful - happy and helpful. 

I love you so very much Will and I know your future will be blessing others with your gifts! 


Mommy 💝


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