Thursday, May 18, 2023

Will and Mother's Da


You gave me a sweet sweet note on Mother's Day this year, but even more so than the gratitude you often display Will, is your faith that I feel so blessed by. When I was worried yesterday you asked me to pray and you asked me if we could listen to my favorite talk. You asked me, " What is your favorite talk? " I reminded you it is , " The Blue print of Christ's Church ", By Elder Callister and you said, " Oh yah, I remember that one because I remember Grandpa Packs Dad not knowing how to read blue prints

when he was called to build churches but the Lord helped him." I said " Yes, but do you know the reason " The Blue Print " is my favorite talk? It's because Jesus gave us tge blue print of how His church should be before He left again after Ressurection. " You said, " I know. " and so I pulled up another favorite talk of mine " Come what may and love it ", by Wirthin, but I prefaced us listening with the reminder that it's really hard to come what may and love it for me and everyone but I want to try to remember and you sat and listened to the talk with me. 

I am beyond grateful for your faith Will that you would know and believe what helps everyone when they are having a hard moment. 


Mothers Mother's Day 2023: 

From Will:

Dear Mom I would like to say thank you because you were always there for me, and always so kind and you always make me happy and I hope you all have a good Mother’s Day and you always give me things like my PC and other stuff so I will promise to try to take more pictures with you and do what you say. Love, will  

Monday, May 8, 2023

This weekends early reflections

 Brooke and Will, 

I can tell you that everything I have ever had and done that was worth while was given and blessed by God. If you notice anything good I have done remember it was the gifts of God given and Him working in me that makes all things possible. 

The Mother I am is the most important thing I have done and I hope you will also take your relationships more important than any employment you have or worldly recogniton. To the Lord His children are His work and Glory. To me- His children are my work and Glory. 


Mommy 💝

Reflections of a 40 year old: 

Accomplishments by age 40 for Emily :

Round off four backhand springs back flip - 

Third place state of Utah - All Round - compulsory leveI

Varsity Choir senior year high school

Tops sales rep for 6 months at 18 to 19 years old at telecom boom company to be promoted to supervisor over 30 sales reps overseesing sales quality - monitored calls, scored quality and held coaching sessions, to include FCC compliance regulation adherence 

Paced by a coach to run 5:25 min mile 

Invited to represent " Dallas Local Elite " at a a National 8k race 

Represented local running store by performing with their singlet - paid races, shoes, individual coaching, team coaching 

Represented a California based Talent/Modeling Agency to be hired as Auto Show Car Model, Maybeline Mascara, Dallas Safari, etc...

Read the Book of Mormon to/with Brooke 2 times all the way through by her age of 10

Certified CNA - crosstrained as a Unit Secretary to manage 30 plus bed units all patients  doc orders, dietary restrictions, labs time sensitive, family phone call requests , etc. 

Completed LDS Pathways Program to be accepted into BYU Idaho 

Co-taught the New Testament Adult Institute class in Propser Stake 

Called a code on the ACU - Baylor Scott and White Hospital - participated in code until RRT arrived

Fed breakfast and dinner via feeding tube to in home patient for one year then to once daily - picked up 6ft tall paralyzed man all alone ( besides angels helping? ) everyday all the way into his wheelchair for two years until he passed away 

Facilitated neighbor Bellamie in having missionary discussions and helped her organize her eventual baptism 

Shared the gospel with Susan Welch neighbor, Alisha Lobdell, and Jim from my music page - later they joined His church in baptism 

Encouraged Kathryn and escorted her to the temple Endowment for the first time 

Passed college BYU I - Statistics 

Performed wound care on an old man's feet everyday except weekends - for over a year until he passed away ( when Al was in the hospital our family snuck the puppy we had recently bought " Waffles " into the hospital to visit So - because he loved dogs ) Before Am died I wrote and recorded a song inspired by him to perform at his funeral -

 " Why Not "  

Taught a lady CPR who had never learned it, yet one week after learning, had to perform CPR on her husband 

Only missed going to church less than one hand of times in 15 years 

During lock-down because of Covid - didn't go out to Utah but participated via Soon call to hire and coordinate with a children's LDS choir to record ( while they were distanced from each other ) a Primary Song written by Emily about" Feeding His Sheep " 

Taught every Care Now Employee - Doctor, Nurse, Tech, and Receptionists in the Dallas Fort worth Metro - CPR 

Certified as an Advanced Cardio Life Support Provider 

Created a small CPR Certification Business - and TB Testing Business 

Seeks all that is good and praiseworthy to give the glory to God - first priority God and Jesus and family and loved ones