Thursday, May 18, 2023

Will and Mother's Da


You gave me a sweet sweet note on Mother's Day this year, but even more so than the gratitude you often display Will, is your faith that I feel so blessed by. When I was worried yesterday you asked me to pray and you asked me if we could listen to my favorite talk. You asked me, " What is your favorite talk? " I reminded you it is , " The Blue print of Christ's Church ", By Elder Callister and you said, " Oh yah, I remember that one because I remember Grandpa Packs Dad not knowing how to read blue prints

when he was called to build churches but the Lord helped him." I said " Yes, but do you know the reason " The Blue Print " is my favorite talk? It's because Jesus gave us tge blue print of how His church should be before He left again after Ressurection. " You said, " I know. " and so I pulled up another favorite talk of mine " Come what may and love it ", by Wirthin, but I prefaced us listening with the reminder that it's really hard to come what may and love it for me and everyone but I want to try to remember and you sat and listened to the talk with me. 

I am beyond grateful for your faith Will that you would know and believe what helps everyone when they are having a hard moment. 


Mothers Mother's Day 2023: 

From Will:

Dear Mom I would like to say thank you because you were always there for me, and always so kind and you always make me happy and I hope you all have a good Mother’s Day and you always give me things like my PC and other stuff so I will promise to try to take more pictures with you and do what you say. Love, will  

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