Friday, August 25, 2023

Will's Trip Aug. 2023

After Grandma and Grandpa took Brooke to New York, they said they wanted to take you on a trip in the summer. You were so sweet because you love every one to be together the most and wanted Brooke and me to go on your trip. Grandma and Grandpa as helpful and loving as they are to us - took us on a Royal Caribbean Cruise, right before you would go into 7th Grade. 

You are so blessed to have the Grandparents you do Will, and they are also so blessed to have a Grandson like you. 

I am so blessed by you too Will. If it was not for you Will - while we were at the Mexico port, I probably would have been left in Mexico! 

More than one time you followed me Will, when once in Cozumel, a man in the store grabbed my hand and told me he was not going to sell me anything but please come with him because he wanted to give me a necklace charm saying I am beautiful. 

You heard the man talking to me and followed him taking me in there, so you mentioned we had to go right then to the man, or the boat would leave us. I felt relieved you had followed and were practically demanding to me in front of the man, that we had to go, and that made it easy for me to say I had to go and walk out of there. 

You were so responsible in looking at your watch for getting Brooke and me to the dinner appointments on time Will! It was a reversal of roles suddenly - because I am always telling you we have to leave to get into the car. It took you a day or two to get used to the ship and what you do on a cruise, but then you started paying attention to times and shows and especially what restraunt would be serving this chocolate mouse cake that you loved! 

Your favorite was the fine dining, which included trying squid rings, steak, and Baked Alaska. 

In Rotan, Honduras you loved the chocolate factory where they taught us how they make chocolate straight from the beans in their shop. 

In Costa Maya, After playing with the monkeys which were jumping from our head to heads, you snorkled for the first time and you loved it! 

In Cozumel you had a royal experience you won't forget of swimming with the dolphins. 

You were really sweet in the shopping on the boat because you wanted to get two watches but mentioned you would rather give the second one to Grandpa, even though you liked it too. 

You are growing into a wonderful young man Will and not just the wonderful boy you have always been. 

After the first week of 7th Grade you had spent some time with Brooke and you told me, " I don't think Brooke's friends appreciate her. She is always doing nice things for them and they aren't the same to her. " 
You love your sister and want to see her being treated well and loved by her friends. 

I know the fact that at thirteen years old that you are paying attention to how your sister is treated, shows me you are noticing the most important things in life. 

You are very kind to all and you value being kind more than being competitive or being recognized for achievements. 

I think that's the best achievement Will - your kind and loving heart to everyone and especially your family. 

Mommy 💝

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