Saturday, December 31, 2011

Christmas 2011

This year Brooke asked Santa for an American Doll. I was quite concerned after her request, that a few months after talking about it non-stop, she just suddenly said that she didn't want a doll anymore. She was very happy Christmas morning, and has been playing with it since. She also asked for a pink treasure chest.
She has been very into dressing like a princess and wearing tiaras on her head.

Brooke asked Santa for a tricycle for Will. He is enjoying it very much!

The true spirit of Christmas was in our home this Christmas, as so many friends and family had shown us so much love, and those were the true gifts that we recieved.

special note: The rat was a gag gift, that came in the new fish tank that we got Kevin, since his got broken. We asked the pet store if we could return it in a few days, and they agreed :) It was really funny! Kevin has always told me he wanted a rat, but now is not the time. I had one when I was a kid, so may be someday we will keep one around? You never know what kind of animal we may end up with ; )

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Christmas Memories

The steroid has helped my hands. I might regret writing this, but here goes, as short as possible.

The most memorable things about Christmas season were:

When Grandpa and Grandma Pack surprised us by hiring someone to come put on our Christmas lights. We got home one night when it was dark, and we pulled up to the house and Will started saying over and over " WOW, WHOA!" as he pointed to the lights on our house. I guess his reaction would be different than ours if he thought the house was on fire, because when I took him closer to white lights on our house, he started trying to blow them out like a candle! Then he started saying, " Happy, Happy" He thought they were birthday cake candles all over our house!!!! I laughed out loud! Will loves happy birthday candles, and singing it.

Holly came over to help me use the computer one day to order Christmas presents, since this hurts my hands so bad. When she realized my condition was so bad, a few days later when I was having one of the worst nights thru it all. I was crying in my bedroom because I couldn't even cut an apple for my kids to eat. There was suddenly a knock on the door and Kevin ran  to get me.

AT MY DOOR STOOD all of my wonderful girlfriends and their whole entire families! They were singing Christmas carols to us. Holly, Amanda, Rachel, Katie, Nadine, Elizabeth, and Jennifer. They all brought me little gifts, and dinner. They each gave me a hug, and I knew I was not alone in my trial. Holly then proceeded to tell me that all of my friends wanted to bring us dinner the week my Mom would be out of town, before Christmas. I tried to refuse, but she wouldn't let me. All the dinners were so nice, and every time we ate them, I knew I was loved, just like I love each of them. It was a huge relief, since pushing a grocery cart is terrible.

The last most memorable thing, was going to church with Kevin on Christmas Eve. We want to support Kevin's spirituality, and he says it will help him, if we go with him, once a month, just as he goes with us to our church once a month. Brooke was very scared and kept asking a lot of questions, as she scooted very close to me. I reminded her that we all believe in Jesus, and that it is good for our family to help each other with our testimony of Christ and his atonement for us. I am happy with this new plan, for Brooke and Will to see their father showing faith, by attending his church.

It was our turn to stay in Dallas for Christmas this year. We really missed Mom and Dad, because they were in Alaska, since Amy just had a new baby born boy, but Mom and Dad were with us still in so many ways. The soups Mom stayed up until 1am the night before making me. Her friend that came to help me with last min. shopping, by her setting it up, and also all the wonderful gifts she got, and clothes she chose for me, since I couldn't go out shopping with Will. I will never forget the love shown to our family, this Christmas.
In fact, someone, we stilll don't know who, gave us the twelve days of Christmas. Little gifts at the door step, each day. We are so blessed to be surrounded by so much love!

Now I have to go ice, my burning wrists.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

It would be ungrateful for me to not include my powerful testimony of fasting and prayer. My weakness has worsened and upon friends at church finding out, there were many people praying and fasting today for me.  When i woke up this morning, I had a sense of joy come over me and I actually felt overwhelmed with love that i know my aquaintances and friends have for me. it was the first time in a week that my feet were not numb when i woke up this morning, and my hands actually work . i know prayers were being heard, and had reassurance that i will get better, in time. i used to pray every day that i could become the person that the Lord wants me to be. i know he is using this trial i have, to show me things i can learn from it. i will never see a sick person, or hurting soul, the same way. my heart understands the pain that i never knew existed. my parents, Kevin, ad Brooke have been so wonderful. Dad even put my Christmas ribbon on the tree so tree. i am so blessed to be surrounded by such patient, and loving family. its looking like what i have is probably auto immune, since the fever continues, but it just means i need lots of rest and to take close care. i know prayers are heard, and not always answered in the way we expect, but we are never left alone, if we strive for righteous desires.